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Module Specific Resources
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- Hits: 233816
The following are resources that you may find useful when delivering modules leading to a range of QQI components.
Since Autumn 2015 FESS has engaged the services of experienced teachers and tutors to develop suggested resource lists for a range of modules leading to QQI components at levels 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
These lists may be of interest to teachers teaching a module for the first time or teachers looking for new ideas. It is hoped to continue to upload more resource lists as they become available.
In 2021, QQI validated Early Learning and Care programmes at NFQ levels 5 and 6, for use by the ETB sector in Ireland. Resources that may be useful to those delivering the programme leading to the NFQ level 5 Early Learning and Care award can be accessed here.
For those working in an ETB, you may find additional resources through the ETBI FET Digital Library. This library is intended to provide access to digital resources that support teaching and learning practices and to enhance the educational experience for learners. It offers resources for supporting learning as well as providing a support tool for teachers, trainers, and instructors. It includes sections on traditional academic library topics such as referencing and plagiarism as well more “core” areas such a health & wellbeing and study skills. There is also a resource section which links to free electronic resources that may be useful to FET learners.
Please note: If you find a broken link, please e-mail, indicating the relevant component title and code and the name of the resource for which the link is not working. |
Level 1
Component Title and Code | Resources |
Literacy and Communications | Literacy and Communications Resource List |
Numeracy | Numeracy Resource List |
Personal Skills and Development | Personal Skills and Development Resource List |
Level 2
Component Title and Code | Resources |
Computer Skills M2T11 | Computer Skills Resource List |
Data Handling M2N08 |
Data Handling Resource List |
Food Choice and Health M2H16 |
Food Choice and Health M2H16 |
Life Sciences: Horticulture M2S28 | Life Sciences; Horticulture M2S28 |
Listening and Speaking M2C03 | Listening and Speaking Resource List |
Non-Verbal Communications M2C04 |
Non-Verbal Communications Resource List |
Pattern and Relationship M2N06 | Pattern Relationship Resource List |
Personal Decision Making M2L12 |
Personal Decision Making Resource List |
Quantitative Problem Solving M2N09 | Quantitative Problem Solving Resource List |
Quantity and Number M2N05 | Quantity and Number Resource List |
Reading M2C01 | Reading Resource List |
Relaxation Techniques M2H21 | Relaxation Techniques Resource List |
Setting Learning Goals M2L13 | Setting Learning Goals Resource List |
Shape and Space M2N07 | Shape and Space Resource List |
Using Technology M2T10 | Using Technology Resource List |
Writing M2C02 | Writing Resource List |
Numeracy related resources Home Math - Everyday Math Skills |
There are a number of resources available through this site, Some of the resources on the site are free and others are for purchasing. You will find some resources relating specifically to level 2 QQI awards. |
Level 3
Component Title and Code | Resources |
Application of Number 3N0928 |
Application of Number Resource List |
Art and Design 3N0608 |
Coming Soon |
Breakfast Cookery 3N0895 |
Breakfast Cookery Resource List |
Career Preparation 3N0896 | Careeer Preparation Resource ListCareeer Preparation Resource List |
Caring for Children 3N0610 |
Caring for Children |
Communications 3N08880 | Communications Resource List |
Computer Literacy 3N0881 |
Computer Literacy Resource List |
Craft - Textiles 3N1048 |
Craft - Textile Resource List |
Database 3N0550 |
Database Resource List |
Digital Media 3N0552 | Digital Media Resource List |
English as a Second Language 3N0870 | English as a Second Language Resource List |
French 3N0862 | French Resource List |
Functional Mathematics 3N0930 |
Functional Mathematics Resource List |
Health and Fitness 3N0531 | Health and Fitness Resource List |
Health and Safety Awareness 3N0532 | Health and Safety Awareness Resource List |
Intercultural Awareness 3N0534 | Intercultural Awareness Resource List |
Internet Skills 3N0931 |
Internet Skills Resource List |
Managing Personal Finances 3N0921 | Managing Personal Finances Resource List |
Mathematics 3N0930 | Mathematics Resource List |
Numeracy related resources Home Math - Everyday Math Skills |
Personal Effectiveness 3N0565 | Personal Effectiveness Resource List |
Spreadsheets 3N0542 | Spreadsheets Resource List |
Woodwork 3N0589 |
Woodwork Resource List |
Word Processing 3N0588 | Word Processing Resource List |
Work Experience 3N0587 | Work Experience Resource List |
There are a number of resources available through this site, Some of the resources on the site are free and others are for purchasing. You will find some resources relating specifically to level 3 QQI awards. - |
Level 4
Level 5
Component Title and Code |
Resources |
Adventure Activities 5N4646 | AdventureActivities5N4646ResourceList |
Advertising 5N0748 | Advertising Resource List |
Anatomy & Physiology 5N0749 | Anatomy & Physiology Resource List |
Animal Behaviour 5N0751 | AnimalBehaviour5N0751ResourceList |
Animal Welfare 5N0753 |
AnimalWelfare5N0753ResourceList Textbook published to support delivery of a module leading to Animal Welfare 5N0753 - further information here |
Appreciation of Art, Craft and Design 5N0755 |
Appreciation Of Art Craft & Design Resource List |
Approaches to Early Childhood Education 5N1763 |
ApproachesToEarlyChildhoodEducation5N1763ResourceList |
Biology 5N2746 |
Biology Resource List |
Body Massage and Figure Analysis 5N3465 |
BodyMassageAndFigureAnalysis5N3465ResourceList |
Bookkeeping (Manual and Computerised) 5N1354 |
Bookkeeping Manual And Computerised Resource Listerised Resource List |
Business Administration 5N1610 | Business Administration Resource List |
Business Law 5N2091 |
Business Law Resource List |
Capstone for Office Infomatics 5N18295 | Capstonefor Office Informatics Resource List |
Care of the Older Person 5N2706 | Care of the Older Person Resource List The Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland in collaboration with the Irish Hospice Foundation has developed three leaflets for families coping with dementia:
The Irish Hospice Foundation has also produced a guidance document callled ‘ Facilitating discussions on future and end-of-life care with a person with dementia’. This guide may be a useful resource for teachers and learners Textbook published to support delivery of a module leading to Care of the Older Person (Holistic Care of the Older Person) - further information here |
Care Provision and Practice 5N2706 |
Care Provision and Practice Resource List |
Care Skills 5N2270 | Textbook published to support delivery of a module leading to Care Skills 5N2270 - further information here |
Care Support 5N0758 | Care Support Resource List Textbook published to support delivery of a module leading to Care Support 5N0758 - further information here |
Child Development 5N1764 | Child Development Resource List |
Child Health & Well Being 5N1765 | Child Health & Well Being Resource List |
Childminding Practice 5N1766 | Childminding Practice Resource List |
Children with Additional Needs 5N2396 | Children with Additional Needs Resource List |
Classical Studies 5N3248 | Classical Studies Resource List |
Combined Materials 5N0764 |
Combined Materials Resource List |
Communications 5N0690 | Communications Resource List |
Computer Illustrated Graphics 5N1929 | Computer Illustrated Graphics Resource List |
Computer Systems Hardware 5N0548 | Computer Systems Hardware Resource List |
Conflict Resolution 5N0692 |
Conflict Resolution Resource List |
Cosmetic Studies 5N5307 |
Cosmetic Studies Resource List |
Creative Arts for Early Childhood 5N1769 | Creative Arts for Early Childhood Resource List |
Criminology 5N2107 | Criminology Resource List |
Customer Service 5N0972 |
Customer Service Resource List |
Database Methods 5N0783 | Database Methods Resource List |
Design Skills 5N0784 | Design Skills Resource List |
Desktop Publishing 5N0785 | Desktop Publishing Resource List |
Digital Marketing 5N1364 | Digital Marketing Resource List |
Digital Photography 5N1270 |
DigitalPhotography5N1272ResourceList |
Distributed Systems 5N0544 | Distributed Systems Resource List |
Drawing 5N1862 | Drawing Resource List |
Early Care & Education Practice 5N1770 | Early Care & Education Practice Resource List |
Early Childhood Education & Play 5N1773 | Early Childhood Education & Play Resource List |
E-Business 5N1369 | E-Business Resource List |
English as a Second Language 5N1632 |
English As A Second Language Resource List |
English Literature 5N3249 | English Literature Resource List |
Entrepreneurial Skills 5N1951 | Entrepreneurial Skills Resource List |
Equality and Disability 5N1273 |
Equality And Disability Resource List |
European Studies 5N1444 | European Studies 5N1444 Resource List |
Exercise & Fitness 5N2668 | Exercise & Fitness Resource List |
Family Law 5N3786 | Family Law Resource List |
Food Chemistry 5N2748 | Food Chemistry Resource List |
Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming 5N0541 | Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming Resource List |
Games Analysis and Design 5N1651 | Games Analysis and Design Resource List |
Graphic Design Skills 5N1978 | Graphic Design Skills Resource List |
Hairdressing Science 5N3346 | Hairdressing Science Resource List |
Hairdressing Theory & Practice 5N3345 | Hairdressing Theory & Practice Resource List |
Human Growth and Development 5N1279 |
Human Growth and Development Resource List |
Image Processing 5N1292 | Image Processing Resource List |
Infection Prevention & Control 5N3734 | Infection Prevention & Control Resource List Textbook published to support delivery of a module leading to Infection Prevention & Control 5N3734 - further information here |
Information and Communications Systems 5N1952 |
InformationCommunicationSystemsResourceList |
Information and Administration 5N1389 | |
Intellectual Disability Studies 5N1652 | Intellectual Disability Studies 5N1652 Resource List |
Intercultural Studies 5N0765 |
Intercultural Studies Resource List |
Jazz Dance 5N6125 | Jazz Dance Resource List |
Laboratory Skills 5N2751 |
Laboratory Skills Resource List |
Legal Practice & Procedures 5N1394 | Legal Practice & Procedures Resource List |
Marketing Practice 5N1400 | Marketing Practice Resource List |
Mathematics 5N1833 | Mathematics Resource List |
Maths for Information Technology 5N18396 | Maths for Information Technology Resource List |
Media Analysis 5N1298 | Media Analysis Resource List |
Microbiology 5N0737 | Microbiology Resource List |
Mobile Technologies 5N0580 | Mobile Technologies Resource List |
Music Industry Studies 5N1458 | Music Industry Studies Resource List |
Networking Essentials 5N2929 |
Networking Essentials Resource List |
Nursing Theory & Practice 5N4325 |
Nursing Theory & Practice Resource List Textbook published to support delivery of a module leading to Nursing Theory and Practice 5N4325 - further information here |
Nutrition 5N2006 |
Nutrition Resource List |
Operating Systems 5N2928 | Operating Systems Resource List |
Painting 5N1302 | Painting Resource List |
Palliative Care Support 5N3769 |
Palliative Care Support Resource List The Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland in collaboration with the Irish Hospice Foundation has developed three leaflets for families coping with dementia:
Textbook published to support delivery of a module leading to Palliative Care Support - further information here |
Pastry, Baking and Desserts 5N2084 | Pastry, Baking and Desserts Resource List |
Payroll Manual and Computerised 5N1546 | Payroll Manual and Computerised Resource List |
Personal and Professional Development 5N2985 | Personal and Professional Development Resource List |
Personal Effectiveness 5N1390 |
Personal Effectiveness Resource List |
Plant Identification & Use 5N2527 |
Plant Identification & Use Resource List |
Plant Protection 5N2546 |
Plant Protection Resource List |
Plant Science 5N2528 | Plant Science Resource List |
Political Studies 5N1837 | Political Studies Resource List |
Printmaking 5N1373 | Printmaking Resource List |
Programming and Design Principles 5N2927 | Programming and Design Principles Resource List |
Psychology 5N0754 |
Psychology Resource List |
Reception and Frontline Office Skills 5N1407 |
Reception and Frontline Office Skills Resource list |
Research & Study Skills 5N3113 | Research & Study Skills Resource List |
Retail Security 5N1777 | Retail Security Resource List |
Retail Selling 5N1619 | Retail Selling Resource List |
Safety & Health at Work 5N1794 | Safety & Health at Work Resource List |
School Aged Childcare 5N1781 | School Aged Childcare Resource List |
Sculpture 5N1918 |
Sculpture Resource List |
Security Industry Procedures 5N1785 | Security Industry Procedures Resource List |
Skin Care, Eye Treatments and Make-Up 5N3466 |
Skincare, Eye Treatments And Make-Up Resource List |
Social Studies 5N1370 | Social Studies Resource List |
Software Architecture 5N2772 | Software Architecture Resource List |
Sound Engineering & Production 5N1900 | Sound Engineering & Production Resource List |
Spanish 5N1630 | Spanish Resource List |
Special Needs Assisting 5N1786 | Special Needs Assisting Resource List |
Spreadsheet Methods 5N1977 |
Spreadsheet Methods Resource List Common spreadsheet usability features Explore key spreadsheet elements Investigate common uses for spreadsheets Textbook published to support delivery of a module leading to Spreadsheet Methods (Excelling in Spreadsheets; for Excel 2016 & 2019) - further information here |
Sports Anatomy and Physiology 5N4648 |
Sports Anatomy and Physiology Resource List |
Start your own Business 5N1418 | Start your own Business Resource List |
Teamworking 5N1367 | Teamworking Resource List |
Text Production 5N1422 |
Text Production Resource List |
The Internet 5N1611 | The Internet Resource List |
The Law & Insurance 5N3788 | The Law & Insurance Resource List |
Theatre Studies 5N4571 | Theatre Studies Resource List |
Tourism Principles and Practice 5N2078 | Tourism Principles and Practice Resource List |
Understanding Special Needs 5N1709 | Understanding Special Needs Resource List |
Virtualisation Support 5N2434 | Virtualisation Support Resource List |
Web Authoring 5N1910 | Web Authoring Resource List |
Word Processing 5N1358 | Word Processing Resource List |
Work Experience 5N1356 |
"Working for Work" is an information book for unemployed people, front-line staff both in the state and community sector, and employers. It is produced by INOU - The Irish National Organisation for the Unemployed. It is a comprehensive publication that brings together the wide range of supports available for unemployed people trying to return to work, education or training. The book outlines an individual's entitlements to a number of social welfare payments and secondary benefits - including: Skills 4 Work:Compilation of Draft Booklets developed by CDETB under the following headings:
Work Practice 5N1433 |
Work Practice Resource List |
Level 6
Thematic Specific Resources
- Details
- Hits: 37498
The following are resources that you may find useful when delivering programme modules leading to a range of QQI components. In 2015 and 2016 FESS engaged the services of experienced teachers and tutors to develop suggested resource lists for a range of thematic areas, these lists may be of interest to those teaching in the FET environment for the for the first time or for experienced who are teachers looking for new ideas. It is hoped to continue to upload more resource lists as they become available.
Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
Well-being in the FET Environment
Equality and Diversity
Theme | Resources |
Equality and Diversity in FET |
Equality and Diversity in FET Resource List1 |
Working with LGBT Learners in FET |
Literacy and Numeracy
Theme | Resources |
Integrating and Supporting Literacy in FET | Integrating and Supporting Literacy in FET Resource List |
Integrating Literacy and Numeracy across Programme areas and Levels | Integrating Literacy and Numeracy across Programme areas and Levels Resource List |
Sourcing, Adapting and Preparing Reading Materials for Adult Learners | Coming Soon |
Phonemic Awareness and Phonics Instruction for Adult Literacy Tutors | Coming Soon |
Supporting Academic Writing in FET | Supporting Academic Writing in FET Resource List1 |
Supporting Academic Writing in FET | Supporting Academic Writing in FET Resource List2 |
Supporting Academic Writing in FET | Supporting Academic Writing in FET handbook template - coming soon |
NALA (National Adult Literacy Agency) have developed a wide range of resources that are available to FET staff.
The website ‘Learn with NALA’ is available to all: Resources that are freely available also include:
Other Resources: | |
NEW! The RMIT University (Austalia) Language, Literacy & Numeracy in VET resources link to their professional development handbook which demonstrates a number of different strategies to assist teachers to focus more on the language, literacy and numeracy of their courses. The activities demonstrated within it will help students develop language and literacy strategies such as speaking, reading and study skills that will carry them into further learning in educational settings or workplaces. |
This is an updated version of the guide first published by NALA in 2002. It is intended as a resource for managers and staff in further education and training centres. Guideline 8 in the guide is particularly intended for teachers on vocational and academic courses for adults and young people. |
The Department of Education and Skills has published the national strategy to improve literacy and numeracy among children and young people 2011 - 2020; Literacy and Numeracy for Learning and Life | |
Axis Education is the UK's leading independent provider of innovative publications for adult learners. Axis Education’s new Skillbuilders resources have been tailor-made for Irish adult education and specifically the JCSP. The books use Irish workplaces – a Galway hotel, a Cork supermarket and a Dublin factory, to teach English and maths in real-life contexts. Links to this website are temporarily suspended because of security concerns on their website. We advise you do not visit in the meantime. |
Home Math - Everyday Math Skills 2009 Money Math - Everyday Math Skills 2009 Kitchen Math - Everyday Math Skills 2009 | |
In Autumn 2015 FESS engaged the services of experienced teachers and tutors to develop suggested resource lists for a range of programme modules leading to QQI components at levels 2, 3, 5 and 6. These lists may be of interest to teachers teaching a programme module for the first time or teachers looking for new ideas. You can access these resource lists here | |
Educoot is a one-stop service for creating educational content for Adult Education and Training Services, Primary School Publishers and Primary Schools. Resources and educational materials can be tailor-made to suit schools, organisations, companies or centres. Educoot specialise in creating tailor-made materials for pupils, students, tutors, teachers or staff members. There are a number of free resources listed on the site, as well as information about resources that can be purchased from Educoot.
Teaching and Learning
Teaching and Learning
Theme | Resources |
Active Teaching and Learning Approaches/Methodologies | Active Teaching and Learning Approaches/Methodologies Resource List |
Classroom Management in FET | Classroom Management in FET Resource List |
Feedback to Learners | Feedback to Learners Resource List |
Supporting Academic Writing in FET | Supporting Academic Writing in FET Resource List |
Supporting Academic Writing in FET | Supporting Academic Writing in FET Resource List |
Instructional Leadership in FET | Coming Soon |
Other Resources:
This resource contains an outline of the main theories that inform further and higher education, information on how we learn and a range of practical strategies that educators can use to support inclusive learning and differentiated instruction | |
Consumer Classroom is a community website for teachers bringing together an extensive library of consumer education resources from across the EU, along with interactive and collaborative tools to help prepare and share lessons with students and other teachers. A pdf outlining this resource is available here. |
Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
Theme |
Resources |
Technology Enhanced Learning | Technology Enhanced Learning Resource List |
Technology Enhanced Learning | Coming Soon |
Wellbeing in the FET Environment
Theme | Resources |
Health and Well-being in FET | Health and Well-being in FET Resource List Mental Health and Well-being in FET Resource List |
Guide: Literacy Friendly Health And Wellbeing Courses For Adults ( |
Other Resources:
Well-Being in the FET Environment
Teacher and Tutor Well-Being in the FET Environment
To work effectively with learners it is important to take care of your own well-being, as a teacher and tutor. This booklet will explore how you can use the findings and strategies of positive psychology and maximise your own individual potential for happiness and well-being. Taking Care of Your Well-Being for FET Teachers and Tutors was developed by Dr. Marie Rooney on behalf of FESS to support those working in the FET sector. We hope that you find it useful. |
Learner Well-Being in the FET Environment
In Autumn 2015, FESS offered seminars in the area of learner well-being in the FET environment which were delivered by Dr. Marie Rooney. This document, Well-being in the Further Education and Training Environment may be useful to those working in the FET sector. |
Identifying, Developing and Supporting Soft Skills Development in Learners - Coming Soon |
Reflective Practice
Theme | Resources |
Reflective Practice and Workplace Learning |
In conversation with Carmel Lillis, three Further Education and Training educators explore
Reflective Practice Resource List for Teachers, Tutors, Trainers, Learners, Leadership Teams | Reflective Practice Resource List |
Teaching and Learning
- Details
- Hits: 26047
FESS has put together a selection of resources that you may find useful in promoting teaching and learning in further education:
This resource contains an outline of the main theories that inform further and higher education, information on how we learn and a range of practical strategies that educators can use to support inclusive learning and differentiated instruction. |
Association for Higher Education Access and Disability (AHEAD) : Teaching and Learning - Making Learning Accessible for Students with Disabilities in Further Education This guide has been designed to assist teaching staff in further education and training to have a better understanding of the needs of students with disabilities. It describes ways of using principles of Universal Design in the design and delivery of courses so that all students have access to the same learning opportunities. Building accessibility and inclusive practices into the design and delivery of courses will benefit all students and will ensure that further education and training reflects the spirit and requirements of current legislation. Adopting a Universal Design approach will also help to ensure that the inclusion of students with disabilities is embedded into mainstream practice thus reducing the need for specialist supports to be put in place at a later stage |
Teaching and Learning Resource Lists
Theme | Resources |
Active Teaching and Learning Approaches/Methodologies | Active Teaching and Learning Approaches/Methodologies Resource List |
Classroom Management in FET | Classroom Management in FET Resource List |
Feedback to Learners | Feedback to Learners Resource List |
Supporting Academic Writing in FET | Supporting Academic Writing in FET Resource List |
Supporting Academic Writing in FET | Supporting Academic Writing in FET Resource List |
Instructional Leadership in FET | Coming Soon |
Well-Being in the FET Environment
- Details
- Written by: Shared Programme Development Process
- Hits: 12570
Teacher and Tutor Well-Being in the FET Environment
Building Psychological Capital in these Challenging Times and The Importance of Emotional and Social Intelligence for Happiness Success and Wellbeing
These resources have been developed by Jacinta Kitt, lecturer on the M.Ed programme in Trinity College Dublin to support those working in education, in these difficult times.
Each audio presentation is accompanied by a set of slides. Ideally, it would be best to listen to the presentation while viewing the slides and the sequence of the slides corresponds with the presentation material.
The main aim of the presentations is to encourage those listening to reflect on their individual situations and try to find some helpful means of sustaining and enhancing personal wellbeing.
Building Psychological Capital in these Challenging Times - Audio file and slide presentation
The Importance of Emotional and Social Intelligence for Happiness Success and Wellbeing - Audio file and slide presentation
Click here for more informastion on Jacinta Kitt
To work effectively with learners it is important to take care of your own well-being, as a teacher and tutor. This booklet will explore how you can use the findings and strategies of positive psychology and maximise your own individual potential for happiness and well-being. Taking Care of Your Well-Being for FET Teachers and Tutors was developed by Dr. Marie Rooney on behalf of FESS to support those working in the FET sector. We hope that you find it useful. |
Learner Well-Being in the FET Environment
In Autumn 2015, FESS offered seminars in the area of learner well-being in the FET environment which were delivered by Dr. Marie Rooney. This document, Well-being in the Further Education and Training Environment may be useful to those working in the FET sector. |
Identifying, Developing and Supporting Soft Skills Development in Learners - Coming Soon |
Wellbeing in the FET Environment Resource Lists
Theme | Resources |
Health and Well-being in FET | Health and Well-being in FET Resource List Mental Health and Well-being Resource List |
Literacy and Numeracy
- Details
- Hits: 23951
FESS has put together a selection of resources that you may find useful in integrating literacy and numeracy across your programmes at all levels. The first section are externally sourced resources and the second section area resource lists developed by practitioners working in the FET environment.
NEW! The RMIT University (Austalia) Language, Literacy & Numeracy in VET resources link to their professional development handbook which demonstrates a number of different strategies to assist teachers to focus more on the language, literacy and numeracy of their courses. The activities demonstrated within it will help students develop language and literacy strategies such as speaking, reading and study skills that will carry them into further learning in educational settings or workplaces. |
This is an updated version of the guide first published by NALA in 2002. It is intended as a resource for managers and staff in further education and training centres. Guideline 8 in the guide is particularly intended for teachers on vocational and academic courses for adults and young people. |
The Department of Education and Skills has published the national strategy to improve literacy and numeracy among children and young people 2011 - 2020; Literacy and Numeracy for Learning and Life | |
Axis Education is the UK's leading independent provider of innovative publications for adult learners. Links to this website are temporarily suspended because of security concerns on their website. We advise you do not visit in the meantime. |
Home Math - Everyday Math Skills 2009 Money Math - Everyday Math Skills 2009 Kitchen Math - Everyday Math Skills 2009 |
In Autumn 2015 FESS engaged the services of experienced teachers and tutors to develop suggested resource lists for a range of programme modules leading to QQI components at levels 2, 3, 5 and 6. These lists may be of interest to teachers teaching a programme module for the first time or teachers looking for new ideas. You can access these resource lists here | |
Educoot is a one-stop service for creating educational content for Adult Education and Training Services, Primary School Publishers and Primary Schools. Resources and educational materials can be tailor-made to suit schools, organisations, companies or centres. Educoot specialise in creating tailor-made materials for pupils, students, tutors, teachers or staff members. There are a number of free resources listed on the site, as well as information about resources that can be purchased from Educoot. |
Resource Lists:
Theme | Resources |
Integrating and Supporting Literacy in FET | Integrating and Supporting Literacy in FET Resource List |
Integrating Literacy and Numeracy across Programme areas and Levels | Integrating Literacy and Numeracy across Programme areas and Levels Resource List |
Sourcing, Adapting and Preparing Reading Materials for Adult Learners | Coming Soon |
Phonemic Awareness and Phonics for Adult Literacy Tutors | Coming Soon |
Supporting Academic Writing in FET | Supporting Academic Writing in FET Resource List |
Supporting Academic Writing in FET | Supporting Academic Writing in FET Resource List |
Supporting Academic Writing in FET | Supporting Academic Writing in FET handbook template - coming soon |