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Two programmes developed by FESS have been approved for sharing with DES-funded providers.  The programmes approved for sharing are:

  • 'Learning for Everyday Living' leading to Level 3 FETAC Certificate in General Learning 3M0874 and
  • 'Using Information and Communication Technologies in Everyday Life' leading to Level 3 FETAC Certificate in Information and Communication Technologies 3M0877.

DES Providers who wish to offer these programmes should email validation@fetac.ie identifying the name of the programme they wish to offer.

As these programmes are approved for sharing, each provider wishing to deliver these programmes to their Learners must apply for validation of the programme in their own context.

The process for this is as follows:

On receipt of the email, FETAC will supply the provider with:

  • 1. the approved programme descriptor
  • 2. an application form for validation.

 Providers have 2 options in completing the application form.  They may choose to: 

  • Option A: Use the programme as it is or
  • Option B: Use the programme and make some modifications and/or additions


Option A:        Use the programme as it is

All providers who wish to use the programme as it is and not make any modifications or changes should only complete Part A of the form and return it to FETAC.


Option B:       Use the programme and make some modifications and/or additions

Providers who wish to use the programme and make some modifications should complete Part A, Part B and the appropriate number of Programme Module Descriptors.


Where modifications are made, they must be evaluated either through a Programme Approval Agreement Process or through the FETAC Validation Process.

1.      Providers with a Programme Approval Agreement (PAA)

  • a) The PAA Programme Module Descriptor form is used
  • b) Each programme module is evaluated and approved via PAA procedures
  • c) Parts A and B of this form are returned to FETAC. Individual programme module descriptors are not returned.

2.      For providers (non PAA)

  • a) The FETAC Programme Module Descriptor form is requested from FETAC and used
  • b) Parts A and B of the form and programme module descriptors are returned to FETAC
  • c) FETAC will evaluate the programme module descriptors