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The Further Education Support Service has put together a calendar of events for Autumn/Winter 2022 to support those working in the FET environment for SOLAS and DES funded providers. We have focused on offering on-line webinars and workshops across a range of topics. Those who register for a place on one of the on-line events will receive a link, via e-mail, that will allow them access the event on the given date and time. 

The following is a list of the current series and themes on the PD calendar - please click on the highlighted headings below for further information:

Five Pillars of Wellbeing – A series for FET staff

This is a series of five online workshops introducing the five pillars of psychological wellbeing:

  1. Emotional Wellbeing
  2. Social Wellbeing
  3. Relationship Wellbeing
  4. Professional Wellbeing
  5. Spiritual Wellbeing


Understanding and Supporting the Needs of Learners from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds Across All FET Provision - A series for FET staff

This is a series of three online sessions that will focus on:

  1. An Introduction to Teaching Learners from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds in FET Contexts
  2. Vocabulary Development Across the Curriculum
  3. Reading Through a Second Language


Assessment - A series for those interested in locally devised assessment

This is a series of five online sessions that will deal with the following: 

  1. An Introduction to Locally Devised Assessment
  2. Devising Assessment Briefs and Examination Questions (Locally Devised Assessment)
  3. Devising Marking Schemes (Locally Devised Assessment)
  4. Marking Learner Assessment Evidence
  5. Feedback to Learners on Summative Assessment Tasks

 Assessment clinics - follow-up to series for those interested in locally devised assessment


Recognition of Prior Learning: An Emerging Provision in FET - for FET staff including teachers, tutors, trainers, programme co-ordinators who have a role or interest in implementing RPL


An Introduction to Jigsaw's Youth Mental Health Promotion Team for FET Settings - for FET staff including management, teachers, tutors, trainers, programme coordinators, guidance counsellors, learning support staff and wellbeing officers


Priority Skills for the Future - the FET Perspective - for FET staff including teachers, tutors, trainers, programme co-ordinators and QA staff

Unlocking the Potential of Rubrics in Teaching, Learning and Assessment - for FET staff including teachers, tutors, trainers, programme co-ordinators and QA staff

Integration of Programme Delivery and Assessment of Learners - for FET staff including teachers, tutors, trainers, programme co-ordinators and QA staff

DigiVET4ALL - Resources to help educators make more of Moodle


In addition, the following PD courses continue to be available:


Please note: If you would like further information about a PD event, please contact FESS at cpdbookings@fess.ie. If you would like to cancel a place at a PD event, please contact FESS at cpdcancellations@fess.ie. To ensure that the maximum number of people get the opportunity to attend a FESS PD event, please give a minimum of four working days notice when cancelling attendance.

Please also note: In response to the fact that a number of people previously booked an online place at a PD event that they subsequently didn't log into, FESS took the decision to allow more people book a place at an event than there are places for. Those who log in first at the designated time for a live online event will be those who will be accommodated with a place. We hope that by taking this action, we will be able to maximise the number of people who are getting to log in to our PD events.

Five Pillars of Wellbeing

This series of five monthly online workshops will introduce the five pillars of psychological wellbeing:

  1. Emotional Wellbeing
  2. Social Wellbeing
  3. Relationship Wellbeing
  4. Professional Wellbeing
  5. Spiritual Wellbeing

Please Note: As workshop 1 on emotional wellbeing (pillar 1) covers the broad and common foundation for all the subsequent sessions, it is highly recommended that people attend workshop 1 prior to attending any or all of the following workshops on the remaining four pillars; social wellbeing, relationship wellbeing, professional wellbeing and spiritual wellbeing.

These workshops will be facilitated by Caroline Martin, and during the workshops, she will draw on both humanistic and positive psychology values and will help participants explore how psychological needs, context and life experience contribute to or hinder our innate drive to thrive. The traditional medical model has shaped how we interpret much of our pain and our traditional education system places an emphasis on finding deficits and focusing on them. With a keen sense of the power of the collective, Caroline shifts the emphasis on to the strengths, the potentials, the affordances, and the collective wisdom of a group’s offering.

Caroline will teach some introductory theoretical understandings of the relationship between our brain and how it interprets and responds to stressful situations. She will include an overview of stress and how it can be both a creative and destructive force in our lives. Caroline will explain how life experience can influence how individuals perceive and interpret similar events and the implications for FET staff. Caroline will help participants to pool their collective wisdom in managing stress, identifying novel and creative strategies.

Alongside presentations, Caroline will utilise a participatory approach ensuring a safe space for participants to contribute, make connections and have fun.

The target audience for this series is: FET Staff including teachers, tutors, trainers, co-ordinators and those working in leadership and management roles.

Facilitation: This series will be facilitated by Caroline Martin, Consultant Chartered Psychologist. Caroline has worked as a leader in the area of education and training for over 25 years. Prior to establishing her own flourishing consultancy business, she was the Chief Psychologist for CDETB for 16 years. While there she led a team of psychologists and worked on several interagency and international projects. Prior to her return from the US, she led a team of educators within the public school system in Massachusetts, working with children and young people with additional learning needs and deafness.

Caroline is dedicated to the area of staff well-being and has a track record of leading in the field of educator care and development. Within CDETB she was responsible for the establishment of 11 professional learning networks supporting 150 educators. With evidence of the impact of One Good Adult in the lives of young people in Ireland and the prevalence of mental health difficulties among FET learners, Caroline consistently points out the dearth of support for these critical educators. She advocates for an integration of policies and practices that are supportive of staff wellbeing. She has been recognised for her contributions to psychology in education, trauma and critical incident response and after-care.

Recently she has worked with the staff of the Oireachtas, Google, Arthritis Ireland and has a weekly column with the Irish Examiner.

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto an event unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows we can offer your booked place to another person.

To register please click on the link below

 Further Information, Dates and Times


 Pillar 1 - Emotional Wellbeing Workshop for FET Staff
 Thursday, 15th September 2022 - 14.00 to 16.00

This online workshop comprises lecture style presentation & facilitation of small group work introducing stress response system, emotional regulation, grief, recovery, hope and tips for the further education and training workplace.
This is the core foundation workshop upon which the others are based. It introduces key language and concepts. It is recommended that participants have attended this foundational Pillar 1- Emotional Wellbeing workshop prior to attending subsequent workshops in this series.

A link to this online workshop will be emailed in advance. 
Please keep an eye on your Junk/Spam folder in case the e-mail with the link to the online workshop ends up there.


 Pillar 2 - Social Wellbeing Workshop for FET Staff 
 Thursday, 13th October 2022 - 14.00 to 16.00

This online workshop comprises lecture style presentation & delivery of small group work exploring connectedness, safety & sense of belonging, shared experiences, community efficacy and tips for the education workplace.
It is recommended that participants have attended the foundational Pillar 1- Emotional Wellbeing workshop, prior to attending this workshop.

A link to this online workshop will be emailed in advance. 
Please keep an eye on your Junk/Spam folder in case the e-mail with the link to the online workshop ends up there.


 Pillar 3 - Relationship Wellbeing Workshop for FET Staff
 Thursday, 17th November 2022 - 14.00 to 16.00

This online workshop comprises lecture style presentation & facilitation of small group work exploring relationships as agents of change, spectrum of empathy, relating online, positive & adverse childhood experiences and tips for the education workplace. It is recommended that participants have attended the foundational Pillar 1- Emotional Wellbeing workshop, prior to attending this workshop.

A link to this online workshop will be emailed in advance. 
Please keep an eye on your Junk/Spam folder in case the e-mail with the link to the online workshop ends up there.


 Pillar 4 - Professional Wellbeing Workshop for FET Staff
 Thursday, 15th December 2022 - 14.00 to 16.00

This online workshop comprises lecture style presentation & facilitation of small group exploring work-life harmony, conflict, courageous conversations and introducing education setting conditions that enhance professional wellbeing. It is recommended that participants have attended the foundational Pillar 1- Emotional Wellbeing workshop, prior to attending this workshop.

A link to this online workshop will be emailed in advance. 
Please keep an eye on your Junk/Spam folder in case the e-mail with the link to the online workshop ends up there.


 Pillar 5 - Spiritual Wellbeing for FET Staff
 Thursday, 12th January 2023 - 14.00 to 16.00

This online workshop comprises lecture style presentation & facilitation of small group work exploring concepts of flow and self-actualisation, spirituality and religion, nourishing our spiritual wellbeing.
This workshop will incorporate an experiential component. It is recommended that participants have attended the foundational Pillar 1- Emotional Wellbeing workshop, prior to attending this workshop.

A link to this online workshop will be emailed in advance. 
Please keep an eye on your Junk/Spam folder in case the e-mail with the link to the online workshop ends up there.


Understanding and Supporting the Needs of Learners from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds Across All FET Provision

FET learning environments are increasingly more diverse. Learners from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds make up 22% of FET learners with approximately 54% enrolled on General Learning programmes (SOLAS, 2021).

This series of three online sessions will introduce FET practitioners across all discipline areas to key concepts related to studying vocational programmes through a second or other language, and will provide practical strategies, approaches and resources that FET practitioners across all disciplines can apply in their own teaching. The three sessions are:

  1. An Introduction to Teaching Learners from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds in FET Contexts
  2. Vocabulary Development Across the Curriculum 
  3. Reading Through a Second Language

Please Note: As session 1 on teaching learners from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds covers the broad and common foundation for all the subsequent sessions, it is highly recommended that people attend session 1 prior to attending one or both of the following two sessions.

The target audience for this series is: FET Practitioners including teachers, tutors, trainers and instructors. The sessions may also be of interest to centre managers, programme co-ordinators and curriculum/programme designers. Please see further information on the specific target audience for each of the three sessions below. 

Facilitation: This series will be facilitated by Lorraine Downey, FET Development Officer, CDETB. Lorraine has worked in the area of language and migrant education for over 20 years. She works as a FET Development Officer with CDETB and is currently undertaking doctoral research exploring the experiences of culturally and linguistically diverse learners on FET programmes.

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto an event unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows we can offer your booked place to another person.

To register please click on the link below

 Further Information, Dates and Times


 An Introduction to Teaching Learners from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds in FET Contexts
 Wednesday, 21st September 2022 - 10.00 to 12.00

This online interactive session will explore a range of barriers and enablers to participation in FET for learners from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and will provide an overview of key concepts related to learning through a second language which are relevant to the FET practitioner.

This session will:

  • Explore barriers and enablers to participation
  • Provide an overview of culturally relevant/sustaining pedagogies and explore their application in the FET context
  • Provide an overview of cognitive academic linguistic proficiency (CALP) and its significance for teaching and learning across FET
  • Explore practical approaches to the development of learners’ cognitive academic linguistic proficiency in FET
  • Provide participants with opportunities to share practice

It is recommended that participants have attended this first session, prior to attending subsequent sessions in this series.

The target audience for this session is: FET Practitioners including teachers, tutors, trainers and instructors. This session may also be of interest to centre managers, programme co-ordinators and curriculum/programme designers.

A link to this online session will be emailed in advance. 
Please keep an eye on your Junk/Spam folder in case the e-mail with the link to the online session ends up there.


 Vocabulary Development Across the Curriculum 
 Wednesday, 12th October 2022 - 10.00 to 12.00

This online interactive session will explore the role of vocabulary in language and literacy development and showcase a range of approaches, activities, and tools that FET practitioners can use for teaching and assessment purposes when working with learners from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

This session will:

  • Explore the role of vocabulary in developing literacy skills across the curriculum
  • Explore practical approaches to the development of FET learners’ vocabulary in vocational subjects
  • Showcase resources and TEL tools to support vocabulary development
  • Provide participants with opportunities to share practice

It is recommended that participants have attended the first session in this series, An Introduction to Teaching Learners from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds in FET Contexts, prior to attending this session.

The target audience for this session is: FET Practitioners including teachers, tutors, trainers and instructors.

A link to this online session will be emailed in advance. 
Please keep an eye on your Junk/Spam folder in case the e-mail with the link to the online session ends up there.


 Reading Through a Second Language
 Wednesday, 26th October 2022 - 10.00 to 12.00

This online interactive session explores practical approaches to support bilingual FET learners to become effective readers.

This session will:

  • Provide an overview of key concepts underpinning reading through a second/other language
  • Explore different models of reading (top-down, bottom-up and interactive)
  • Explore practical approaches to support learners when reading vocational material in a second language
  • Provide participants with opportunities to share practice

It is recommended that participants have attended the first session in this series, An Introduction to Teaching Learners from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds in FET Contexts, prior to attending this session.

The target audience for this session is: FET Practitioners including teachers, tutors, trainers and instructors.

A link to this online session will be emailed in advance. 
Please keep an eye on your Junk/Spam folder in case the e-mail with the link to the online session ends up there.



This is a series of five weekly online sessions that will deal with the following: 

  1. An Introduction to Locally Devised Assessment
  2. Devising Assessment Briefs and Examination Questions (Locally Devised Assessment)
  3. Devising Marking Schemes (Locally Devised Assessment)
  4. Marking Learner Assessment Evidence
  5. Feedback to Learners on Summative Assessment Tasks

Participants are welcome to attend any or all of the sessions in this series. However, ideally participants would attend all five sessions to maximise their learning about local assessment.

The target audience for this series is: Assessors new to the area of FET and engaged in a locally devised assessment process. However, the sessions may also appeal to those who wish to refresh their understanding of assessment and/or those tasked with supporting/informing the assessment process locally. Please see further information on the target audience for each of the five sessions below. 

Facilitation: This series will be facilitated by FESS.

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto an event unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows we can offer your booked place to another person.

 To register please click on the link below

Further Information, Dates and Time


 An Introduction to Locally Devised Assessment
 Thursday, 29th September 2022 - 10.00 to 12.00

Please note: Some of the detail in this session is a repeat of the detail covered in a previous FESS PD session ‘An Introduction to Local Assessment for New Assessors’
delivered online from 2020 - 2022.

The focus of this online session is on supporting the assessor working in a further education and training environment, where the assessor is required to develop local
assessment instruments and related documentation. The following topics will be covered:

  • An overview of the assessment process, including key milestones
  • Ensuring an understanding of the standard associated with levels 1 – 6 of the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ)
  • The role of the assessor in the assessment process

The target audience for this session is: those assessing learners for the first time, using locally devised assessment instruments.

A link to this online session will be emailed in advance. 
Please keep an eye on your Junk/Spam folder in case the e-mail with the link to the online session ends up there.


 Devising Assessment Briefs and Examination Questions (Locally Devised Assessment)
 Thursday, 6th October 2022 - 10.00 to 12.00

Please note: Some of the detail in this session is a repeat of the detail covered in a previous FESS PD session ‘An Introduction to Local Assessment for New Assessors’
delivered online from 2020 - 2022.

The focus of this online session is on supporting the assessor working in a further education and training environment, where the assessor is required to devise local assessment briefs (NFQ levels 1 to 6) and examination papers (NFQ levels 4 to 6). 

The target audience for this session is: those assessing learners for the first time, using locally devised assessment instruments.

A link to this online session will be emailed in advance. 
Please keep an eye on your Junk/Spam folder in case the e-mail with the link to the online session ends up there.


 Devising Marking Schemes (Locally Devised Assessment)
 Thursday, 13th October 2022 - 10.00 to 12.00

Please note: Some of the detail in this session is a repeat of the detail covered in a previous FESS PD session on ‘Marking’, first delivered online in Spring 2022.

The focus of this online session is on devising marking schemes and outline solutions, as part of local assessment, at NFQ levels 4 – 6, for both assessment briefs and examination papers.

The target audience for this event is: those assessing learners for the first time, using local assessment.

A link to this online session will be emailed in advance. 
Please keep an eye on your Junk/Spam folder in case the e-mail with the link to the online session ends up there.


 Marking Learner Assessment Evidence
 Thursday, 20th October 2022 - 10.00 to 12.00

Please note: Some of the detail in this session is a repeat of the detail covered in a previous FESS PD session on ‘Marking’, first delivered online in Spring 2022.

This online session will focus on:

  • Marking and quality assurance
  • Marking learners’ assessment work - making assessment judgements/decisions and recording marking and marks
  • Striving for consistency in assessment - internally and with national standards

The target audience for this session is: those marking learners’ summative assessment evidence. In addition, this event is targeted at those who have a role in
supporting the assessment process, within the provider.

A link to this online session will be emailed in advance. 
Please keep an eye on your Junk/Spam folder in case the e-mail with the link to the online session ends up there.


 Feedback to Learners on Summative Assessment Tasks
 Thursday, 27th October 2022 - 10.00 to 12.00

Please note: This session is a repeat of the previous FESS PD session ‘Feedback to Learners on Summative Assessment Tasks’ delivered online in 2020 - 2022.

The focus of this online session is to support assessors in giving meaningful learner feedback on summative assessment tasks. This live online session will tease out the purpose,
approaches, principles, strategies, benefits and challenges associated with giving feedback to learners.

It will also provide space for participants to explore, discuss and share their experiences of what works well when providing learners with feedback on their summative assessment tasks.

The target audience for this session is: FET assessors or those in a co-ordination and/or quality assurance role.

A link to this online session will be emailed in advance. 
Please keep an eye on your Junk/Spam folder in case the e-mail with the link to the online session ends up there.


    Assessment clinic

This one hour online clinic is designed as a follo-up  support to complement the recently delivered suite of 5 PD sessions focusing on locally devised assessment. This clinic will provide an opportunity for FET practitioners to pose any locally-devised assessment questions and queries that they may have. An informal approach will be adopted for this session which will also allow for the sharing and discussion of ideas. These clinics will be hosted on Zoom and the link will be emailed to participants in advance of the event. 

   Wednesday 16 November 2022

   16.30 - 17.30

   Please register

   Log in to the clinic on this link - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88356720107 

 BlueRegister200    Wednesday 14 December 2022

   16.00 - 17.00

   Please register

   Log in to the clinic on this link - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82809360571


 Recognition of Prior Learning: An Emerging Provision in FET

This new online session aims to assist FET staff to prepare guidance and assessment documents to support RPL applicants structure a portfolio of evidence for summative assessment against national standards. This is an interactive event where participants will be provided with information, have the opportunity to engage in discussion and participate in a workshop to support the implementation of the RPL process.

This practical session will:

  • Provide an overview of the key roles in the RPL process
  • Demonstrate how learning outcomes can be used to support RPL candidates to reflect on their knowledge, skills, competence and the level of their learning
  • Include practical steps in using learning outcomes to devise summative assessment tasks
  • Discuss the importance of a professional conversation / dialogue with RPL applicants
  • Provide participants with the opportunity to write an RPL summative assessment task
  • Discuss the integrity of the assessment process and how an assessment rubric will ensure a consistent approach to assessment and grading

During this session reference will be made to the SOLAS – funded FET RPL Toolkit for Education and Training Providers developed by Donegal ETB and Limerick & Clare ETB and launched in 2022.

Learning together in this event will explore practical steps to offering and implementing the RPL process in FET.

The target audience for this session is: FET staff including teachers, tutors, trainers, programme co-ordinators who have a role or interest in implementing RPL.

Facilitation: This session will be facilitated by Martina Needham. Martina has worked in Adult and Further Education for more than 20 years. She was Adult Education Officer and Basic Education Coordinator with Donegal Education and Training Board until her recent retirement. She has significant experience in programme development and recognition of prior learning. She has delivered workshops in Ireland and Europe and has recently completed a Level 9 Special Purpose Award in Recognition of Prior Learning. Martina is an RPL practitioner and was a member of the RPL Practitioner Network National Steering Group. Martina is a strong advocate of lifelong learning and social inclusion.

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this event unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows we can offer your booked place to another person.


 Date and Time


Tuesday, 20th September 2022 - 10.00 to 12.00

A link to this online session will be emailed in advance. 
Please keep an eye on your Junk/Spam folder in case the e-mail with the link to the online session ends up there.


 An Introduction to Jigsaw’s Youth Mental Health Promotion Team for FET Settings

Jigsaw is a youth mental health charity which offers a range of mental health supports and services to both young people (aged 12-25 years) and those around them in the settings where they live, learn, work and play.

The Youth Mental Health Promotion team for FET and Higher Education is a new work stream within the Youth Mental Health Promotion department at Jigsaw. The primary aim of this team is to increase the mental health knowledge, skills, and resources of young people, and those around them, across FET and higher education settings.

The following are the aims for this online PD session:

  • Provide an introduction to Jigsaw & the work of their dedicated Youth Mental Health Promotion team for FET settings (including FE Colleges, Training Centres, Youthreach Centres, and other centres and learning settings where FET learners attend and participate)
  • Explore the role of FET settings in supporting & promoting youth mental health
  • Introduce ways FET staff may be able to support and promote youth mental health as part of a whole-centre approach to mental health and wellbeing
  • Facilitate a discussion on potential ways Jigsaw may be able to further contribute to supporting and promoting youth mental health and wellbeing in FET settings

Please note: this will be an interactive session and participants will be asked to work in breakout rooms during the session in order to share ideas and expertise.

The target audience for this session is: FET staff including management, teachers, tutors, trainers, programme coordinators, guidance counsellors, learning support staff and wellbeing officers.

Please note: Jigsaw's remit is in the area of youth mental health specifically (young people aged 12-25). However, it is anticipated that this session will be of benefit to all FET providers, as learning in this area can be applied and of benefit to those working with all learners, regardless of age.

Facilitation: This session will be facilitated by Jigsaw’s FET & Higher education team within the Youth Mental Health Promotion department.

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this event unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows we can offer your booked place to another person.


 Date and Time


Wednesday, 5th October 2022 - 10.00 to 12.00

A link to this online session will be emailed in advance. 
Please keep an eye on your Junk/Spam folder in case the e-mail with the link to the online session ends up there.


  Priority Skills for the Future - the FET Perspective

Please note: This event is a repeat of a previous FESS PD event on ‘Priority Skills for the Future’, first delivered online in Spring 2022.

This online event will look at the context of the Future of Work and how changed working practices precipitated by the pandemic have impacted people. It will address employer skills needs in an environment of accelerated change and focus on how education/FET is well placed to address these skills for learners.

Some research will be shared around the priority skills needed and how these skills can be best developed.

The event will also look at the value of intercultural education as an accelerator to the acquisition of these skills.

The target audience for this event is: FET staff including teachers, tutors, trainers, co-ordinators, managers.

Facilitation: This event will be facilitated by Marie Cleary. Marie is founder and director at ThirdSpace Consultants. She has extensive experience working with senior management and their teams to deliver strategic management interventions, facilitate change, develop leaders and build high performance teams. Before moving into Consulting, Marie was a teacher of Music and English at second level for 10 years. Her 20+ years Consulting career has spanned both public and private sector internationally. Her qualifications in Business, Education, Finance and Psychology, coupled with her previous roles in management of EU funding, gives her an expansive skillset to work in a variety of settings. She is currently completing Doctoral Studies on Future Skills. Marie is a coaching psychologist with extensive experience as an executive coach and has worked at a senior level to assist clients resolve challenging issues, build resilience and enhance leadership capability. Marie is passionate about intercultural education and is closely connected to the work of Leargas across the fields of Youth, Further Education and School Education.

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this event unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows we can offer your booked place to another person.


 Date and Time


Tuesday, 11th October 2022 - 10.00 to 12.00

A link to this online event will be emailed in advance. 
Please keep an eye on your Junk/Spam folder in case the e-mail with the link to the online event ends up there.


 Unlocking the Potential of Rubrics in Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Please note: This event is a repeat of a previous FESS PD event on 'Unlocking the Potential of Rubrics in Teaching, Learning and Assessment' first delivered online in Spring 2022.

This online event aims to assist FET staff in the development and use of rubrics to support teaching, learning and assessment activities. This is an interactive event where participants will be provided with information, have the opportunity to engage in discussion and participate in a rubric development workshop.

This event will:

  • Provide an overview of what we mean by rubrics
  • Explore the purpose, types and benefits of rubrics
  • Explore the use and relevance of rubrics for teaching, learning and assessment
  • Provide participants with the opportunity to begin the development of a rubric
  • Provide the opportunity to share some examples of rubrics for different purposes.

Learning together in this event will help us to consider the range of possibilities rubrics can bring to teaching, learning and assessment.

The target audience for this event is: FET staff including teachers, tutors, trainers, programme co-ordinators and QA staff.

Facilitation: This event will be facilitated by FESS.

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this event unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows we can offer your booked place to another person.


 Date and Time


Wednesday, 16th November 2022 - 14.00 to 16.00

A link to this online event will be emailed in advance. 
Please keep an eye on your Junk/Spam folder in case the e-mail with the link to the online event ends up there.



 Integration of Programme Delivery and Assessment of Learners

Please note: This event is a repeat of a previous FESS PD event on ‘Integration of Programme Delivery and Assessment of Learners’ first delivered online in Autumn 2021.

This online event will introduce integration for the delivery of FET programmes and assessment of learners. Breakout rooms will be used to facilitate those logged in to share ideas and opinions with each other. In addition, the following content will be covered:

  • What is meant by integration?
  • What are the benefits and challenges of integration?
  • How can integration be planned for?
  • What approaches can be used in integration?
  • Planning next steps

The target audience for this event is: those wishing to integrate the delivery of FET programmes and/or the assessment of learners.

Facilitation: This event will be facilitated by FESS.

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this event unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows we can offer your booked place to another person.


Date and Time


Wednesday, 23rd November 2022 - 14.00 to 16.00

A link to this online event will be emailed in advance. 
Please keep an eye on your Junk/Spam folder in case the e-mail with the link to the online event ends up there.


  DigiVET4ALL - Resources to help educators make more of Moodle

DigiVET4ALL is an Erasmus+ strategic partnership project focused on the Moodle Learning Management System.  The project aimed to develop a set of resources to help educators advance their use of Moodle in VET/FET.  These resources are now available on the project website at DigiVET4ALL.com and can be downloaded and incorporated into Moodle sites.

This event introduces some of the resources from the project and demonstrates how they can be used to support FET educators to progress their Moodle course from simple content repository to more user friendly, interactive learning environment.  Topics covered will include:

  • Improve user experience using course templates
  • Transform content from Word/PDF to interactive H5P package
  • Monitor student engagement and progress

The target audience for this event:  FET educators who use Moodle to develop and deliver digital content.  The DigiVET4ALL resources are useful across all subject / thematic areas, and this session is intended for educators from all subject areas.

Facilitation:  Andreas Baumann, John Feeney and Fiona Holden, teachers at GRETB Galway Technical Institute - one of the partner organisations for the project.


Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this session unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows, we can offer your booked place to another person.


 Date and Time


Tuesday November 29th 2022 - 10.00 to 12.00

A link to this online event will be emailed in advance. 
Please keep an eye on your Junk/Spam folder in case the e-mail with the link to the online event ends up there.


   Reimagining your Course – The move to Blended Learning

In Autumn/Winter 2020, FESS partnered with H2 Learning to provide an online learning opportunity for FET practitioners. As providers continue to find themselves in a position where learners are accessing their learning online, this course will continue to be available, subject to demand.

As blended learning becomes more common place across the sector, this course will support educators in improving the quality of their online offerings to learners. The goal of the course is to help participants to create a plan for moving some elements of their course or module online.

The course consists of a series of four online sessions that will allow participants to reimagine their course/module to include online learning. Participants will have a blended learning experience where they will participate in a mix of synchronous and asynchronous learning activities.

Participants will initially undertake three asynchronous sessions in their own time and it is expected that each session will take up to 30 minutes. The three sessions are as follows:

  1. Reflecting on Covid-19 - Where we came from and where we might go?
  2. Blended Learning - What might it look like in your context?
  3. Designing Blended Learning - The Foundations of Learning Design

These three sessions will be followed by a fourth session – a live online reimaging workshop. The goal of the workshop is that participants will have a process and a structure by which they can design blended learning that meets their learners’ needs. Please note: once you have completed the asynchronous material, you will be required to register your interest in the live online workshop. Details regarding this will be e-mailed to you.

This live online workshop will be available to FET practitioners that have completed the previous 3 asynchronous sessions. It is expected that participants will have had time to reflect and begin planning their learning designs in advance of the live workshop. This session will take place on Zoom and will be 2 hours long. The live online workshop will:

  • focus on designing a blended learning approach for a programme, module or a centre
  • be discussion based and it will use elements of the ABC Learning Framework, Microsoft 21 CLD materials and other appropriate tools
  • facilitate discussion and sharing of participants’ designs

The live online workshop will only take place when there is sufficient demand and will be offered to groups of no more than 60 participants.

Target audience: FET practitioners including course co-ordinators, teachers, trainers, tutors involved in the delivery of blended programmes

Facilitation: Dr. Michael Hallisey, H2 Learning and FESS

Date: A link to the asynchronous elements of the course will be forwarded to the person who registers for this PD event. The live online workshop will be scheduled as soon as there is sufficient demand.


 Date and Time


Self-directed learning for the three asynchronous sessions.

Intake for this course is ongoing.

The fourth session, the live online workshop, will be based on demand.

A link to the online material will be emailed in advance. 
Please keep an eye on your Junk/Spam folder in case the e-mail with the link to the online event ends up there.


    Reimagining your Assessment for Remote Learners

This course complements the existing FESS/H2 Learning Reimagining your course – the move to blended learning course which focused primarily on blending the delivery of your course. The main aim of this new course is to get people thinking about their current formative and summative assessment plans and consider ways of conducting the assessment differently.

Content covered will include some underpinning principles and theoretical perspectives, quality assurance considerations and a range of case studies from across the FET sector. 

This course comprises a set of pre-recorded resources that participants can engage with in their own time (asynchronous).

We would like to acknowledge the valuable contribution made by FET practitioners, from across the FET sector, for sharing their experience through the case studies included in this course.

Target audience: FET practitioners including course coordinators, teachers, trainers, tutors involved in the assessment of learners.

Facilitation: FESS with Dr. Michael Hallisey, H2 Learning

 and Time


Self-directed learning for the 3 asynchronous sessions

Intake for this course is ongoing.

A link to the online material will be emailed in advance. 
Please keep an eye on your Junk/Spam folder in case the e-mail with the link to the online event ends up there.


 Test - Office Use only