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Active Teaching and Learning

bigstock group of young people on meeti 15465023These hands-on workshops will focus on active teaching and learning approaches that will help to support enjoyable and interactive learning in the classroom. This should help to engage and motivate learners and encourage lateral thinking, group work, critical analysis and reflection. The session will introduce teachers/tutors to a range of different activities that are quick and easy to implement in their classrooms and learning contexts.

The facilitator for these sessions is Miriam O' Donoghue, Deputy Director of the CDETB Curriculum Development Unit and National Manager of the Further Education Support Service (FESS).

The target audience for these workshops is teachers and tutors working in FET.

FESS has partnered with CDETB Marino College of FE, the Blend4Vet project, H2Learning, CDETB FET Unit and QQI to offer a professional development day to introduce ‘Blended Learning’.

The day will include:
• A case study on blended learning (CDETB Marino College of FE)
• Learning from piloting an Erasmus+ project on blended learning (Blend4Vet project)
• Quality Assurance and governance implications for blended modes of delivery
• Blended learning supports - training modules and tools developed by the Blend4Vet project
• A focused conversation on blended learning and considerations for participants own contexts.

This professional development day will support goal 2 of the Further Education and Training Professional Development Strategy 2017-2019 in the following strategic priority areas: Working with and supporting FET learners, Quality assurance, Technology enhanced learning (TEL) and Leadership and management development.

The target audience for this professional development day is FET management and staff in key roles, for example, staff who are: 
• supporting change management
• exploring and / or implementing blended modes of delivery to meet FET learners needs
• managing / co-ordinating quality assurance and governance

Facilitators: FESS, CDETB Marino College of FE, CDETB FET Unit, H2Learning, QQI

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this session unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows we can offer your booked place to another person.

Event Date 14-09-2018 9:30
Event End Date 14-09-2018 16:00
Cut off date 12-09-2018 17:00
Capacity 40
Registered 0
Available place 40
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Due to popular demand, this hands-on active learning and teaching workshop is being offered again. This is workshop number two in a series of active learning and teaching workshops offered by FESS. There is no requirement to have attended workshop number one to attend this workshop.

This workshop explores metacognition and thinking and includes a lively and fun range of engaging activities and tools to support FET learners and help them to actively think, plan, look back, evaluate and improve.

The toolkit of activities, tools and approaches used on the day can be integrated into the FET classroom and many can be used by learners to support elements of their assessment work.

This professional development day will support goal 2 of the Further Education and Training Professional Development Strategy 2017-2019 in the following strategic priority area:Working with and supporting FET learners.

The target audience for this workshop is teachers, tutors and trainers working in FET classrooms

Facilitator: Miriam O' Donoghue, FESS

Please note: Pre booking is essential. Please do not book onto this session unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows we can offer your booked place to another person.

Event Date 25-09-2018 9:30
Event End Date 25-09-2018 16:00
Cut off date 23-09-2018 17:00
Capacity 40
Registered 0
Available place 40
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

When we use our hands to ‘tinker’ we engage the part of the brain that generates sensory images in our minds. This helps us to work out our thoughts and develop deeper understanding.

This hands-on workshop will look at ways to explore hand mind connections and learning as well as ways to record ideas. The workshop will include a range of enjoyable and engaging activities and tools to support FET learners to actively think, connect, learn, share and record ideas using creative thinking and memory tools such as Lego®Serious Play® and Tony Buzans Mind Mapping technique.

This workshop is workshop number three in a series of active learning and teaching workshops offered by FESS. There is no requirement to have attended workshops number one or two to attend this workshop.

This professional development day will support goal 2 of the Further Education and Training Professional Development Strategy 2017-2019 in the following strategic priority area:Working with and supporting FET learners.

The target audience for this workshop is teachers, tutors and trainers working in FET classrooms.

Facilitator: Miriam O' Donoghue, FESS

Please note: Pre booking is essential. Please do not book onto this event unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows we can offer your booked place to another person.

Event Date 28-11-2018 10:00
Event End Date 28-11-2018 16:00
Cut off date 27-11-2018 17:00
Capacity 40
Registered 0
Available place 40
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Thinking is a skill that can be taught and learned, and as one becomes more proficient in the use of the tools that sharpen these skills, thinking performance improves. Our ability to think, and to think more effectively will determine the quality of the future we create.
This is an opportunity for personal development in new and different methods of thinking that has been proven throughout the world.

Six Thinking Hats is a simple, effective parallel thinking process that helps people be more productive, focused and mindfully involved. And once learned the tools can be applied immediately.
You and your team members can learn how to separate thinking into six valuable functions and roles. Each thinking role is identified with a coloured symbolic “thinking hat”. By mentally wearing and switching “hats”, you can improve focus or redirect thoughts, the conversation, or the meeting to make more productive use of your time.

Event Date 30-11-2018 10:00
Event End Date 30-11-2018 15:30
Cut off date 30-11-2018
Capacity 50
Registered 0
Available place 50
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Spend the day with us exploring what Liberating Structures are and experience some of the 33 Liberating Structures live. http://www.liberatingstructures.com/

The day will be informative, interesting and highly interactive!

When you feel included and engaged, do you do a better job?  Do you think teams in which people work well together produce much better results? Have you noticed the best ideas often come from unexpected sources?

Liberating Structures are easy-to-learn microstructures that enhance relational coordination and trust. They quickly foster lively participation in groups of any size, making it possible to truly include and unleash everyone. Liberating Structures are a disruptive innovation that can replace more controlling or constraining approaches.

Liberating Structures spark inventiveness by minimally structuring the way we interact while liberating content or subject matter. Very simple constraints unleash creative adaptability, generating better than expected results.

The target audience for this workshop is FET staff

Facilitator: Gary Austin,Circleindigo (www.circleindigo.com) / FESS
Gary Austin has been working with groups for nearly 30 years, he is a Certified Professional Facilitator | Master (CPF | M), a visiting lecturer at the University of Westminster, London on the Business Psychology MSc programme where he delivers lectures on managing change and transition, building resilience and core facilitation skills and he is a Fellow of The Royal Society of Arts (FRSA).

Please note: Pre booking is essential. Please do not book onto this event unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows we can offer your booked place to another person.

Event Date 30-01-2019 10:00
Event End Date 30-01-2019 16:00
Cut off date 28-01-2019 9:00
Capacity 50
Registered 0
Available place 50
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Lego®Serious Play® is a facilitation methodology created by the Lego Group. Since 2010 it has been available as an open source community-based model.

This hands-on, minds-on learning workshop will look at ways to explore hand mind connections and learning. When we use our hands to ‘tinker’ we engage the part of the brain that generates sensory images in our minds. This helps us to work out our thoughts and develop deeper understanding.

The workshop will include a range of enjoyable and engaging activities to support active thinking, connecting, learning, and sharing using Lego®Serious Play®

This workshop is workshop number three in a series of active learning and teaching workshops offered by FESS. There is no requirement to have attended workshops number one or two to attend this workshop.

This professional development day will support goal 2 of the Further Education and Training Professional Development Strategy 2017-2019 in the following strategic priority area:Working with and supporting FET learners.

The target audience for this workshop is FET staff working with teams or with learners

Facilitator: Miriam O' Donoghue, FESS

Please note: Pre booking is essential. Please do not book onto this event unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows we can offer your booked place to another person.

Event Date 25-03-2019 10:00
Event End Date 25-03-2019 16:00
Cut off date 21-03-2019 9:00
Capacity 24
Registered 0
Available place 24
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

This live online reimaging workshop will provide participants with a process and a structure by which they can design blended learning that meets their learners’ needs.

The goal of this live workshop is to:

  • focus on designing a blended learning approach for a programme, module or a centre
  • be discussion based and use elements of the ABC Learning Framework, Microsoft 21 CLD materials and other appropriate tools
  • facilitate discussion and sharing of participants’ designs

It is expected that all those attending this live online workshop will have completed the previous 3 asynchronous sessions. In addition, participants are expected to have reflected on, and begun planning, their learning designs in advance of this live workshop. This workshop will take place on Zoom and may be accessed via a link that will be e-mailed to you.

Event Date 01-09-2020 10:00
Event End Date 01-09-2020 12:00
Cut off date 01-09-2020 9:00
Capacity 40
Registered 0
Available place 40
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

This live online reimaging workshop will provide participants with a process and a structure by which they can design blended learning that meets their learners’ needs.

The goal of this live workshop is to:

  • focus on designing a blended learning approach for a programme, module or a centre
  • be discussion based and use elements of the ABC Learning Framework, Microsoft 21 CLD materials and other appropriate tools
  • facilitate discussion and sharing of participants’ designs

It is expected that all those attending this live online workshop will have completed the previous 3 asynchronous sessions. In addition, participants are expected to have reflected on, and begun planning, their learning designs in advance of this live workshop. This workshop will take place on Zoom and may be accessed via a link that will be e-mailed to you.

Event Date 03-09-2020 10:00
Event End Date 03-09-2020 12:00
Cut off date 03-09-2020 9:00
Capacity 40
Registered 0
Available place 40
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

This live online reimaging workshop will provide participants with a process and a structure by which they can design blended learning that meets their learners’ needs.

The goal of this live workshop is to:

  • focus on designing a blended learning approach for a programme, module or a centre
  • be discussion based and use elements of the ABC Learning Framework, Microsoft 21 CLD materials and other appropriate tools
  • facilitate discussion and sharing of participants’ designs

It is expected that all those attending this live online workshop will have completed the previous 3 asynchronous sessions. In addition, participants are expected to have reflected on, and begun planning, their learning designs in advance of this live workshop. This workshop will take place on Zoom and may be accessed via a link that will be e-mailed to you.

Event Date 07-09-2020 14:00
Event End Date 07-09-2020 16:00
Cut off date 07-09-2020 9:00
Capacity 40
Registered 0
Available place 40
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

This live online reimaging workshop will provide participants with a process and a structure by which they can design blended learning that meets their learners’ needs.

The goal of this live workshop is to:

  • focus on designing a blended learning approach for a programme, module or a centre
  • be discussion based and use elements of the ABC Learning Framework, Microsoft 21 CLD materials and other appropriate tools
  • facilitate discussion and sharing of participants’ designs

It is expected that all those attending this live online workshop will have completed the previous 3 asynchronous sessions. In addition, participants are expected to have reflected on, and begun planning, their learning designs in advance of this live workshop. This workshop will take place on Zoom and may be accessed via a link that will be e-mailed to you.

Event Date 18-09-2020 10:00
Event End Date 18-09-2020 12:00
Cut off date 17-09-2020 9:00
Capacity 60
Registered 0
Available place 60
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

This live online reimaging workshop will provide participants with a process and a structure by which they can design blended learning that meets their learners’ needs.

The goal of this live workshop is to:

  • focus on designing a blended learning approach for a programme, module or a centre
  • be discussion based and use elements of the ABC Learning Framework, Microsoft 21 CLD materials and other appropriate tools
  • facilitate discussion and sharing of participants’ designs

It is expected that all those attending this live online workshop will have completed the previous 3 asynchronous sessions. In addition, participants are expected to have reflected on, and begun planning, their learning designs in advance of this live workshop. This workshop will take place on Zoom and may be accessed via a link that will be e-mailed to you.

Event Date 22-09-2020 10:00
Event End Date 22-09-2020 12:00
Capacity 60
Registered 0
Available place 60
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

This live online reimaging workshop will provide participants with a process and a structure by which they can design blended learning that meets their learners’ needs.

The goal of this live workshop is to:

  • focus on designing a blended learning approach for a programme, module or a centre
  • be discussion based and use elements of the ABC Learning Framework, Microsoft 21 CLD materials and other appropriate tools
  • facilitate discussion and sharing of participants’ designs

It is expected that all those attending this live online workshop will have completed the previous 3 asynchronous sessions. In addition, participants are expected to have reflected on, and begun planning, their learning designs in advance of this live workshop. This workshop will take place on Zoom and may be accessed via a link that will be e-mailed to you.

Event Date 24-09-2020 14:00
Event End Date 24-09-2020 16:00
Cut off date 23-09-2020 9:00
Capacity 60
Registered 0
Available place 60
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

This live online reimaging workshop will provide participants with a process and a structure by which they can design blended learning that meets their learners’ needs.

The goal of this live workshop is to:

  • focus on designing a blended learning approach for a programme, module or a centre
  • be discussion based and use elements of the ABC Learning Framework, Microsoft 21 CLD materials and other appropriate tools
  • facilitate discussion and sharing of participants’ designs

It is expected that all those attending this live online workshop will have completed the previous 3 asynchronous sessions. In addition, participants are expected to have reflected on, and begun planning, their learning designs in advance of this live workshop. This workshop will take place on Zoom and may be accessed via a link that will be e-mailed to you.

Event Date 28-09-2020 10:00
Event End Date 28-09-2020 12:00
Cut off date 28-09-2020 8:00
Capacity 60
Registered 0
Available place 60
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

This live online reimaging workshop will provide participants with a process and a structure by which they can design blended learning that meets their learners’ needs.

The goal of this live workshop is to:

  • focus on designing a blended learning approach for a programme, module or a centre
  • be discussion based and use elements of the ABC Learning Framework, Microsoft 21 CLD materials and other appropriate tools
  • facilitate discussion and sharing of participants’ designs

It is expected that all those attending this live online workshop will have completed the previous 3 asynchronous sessions. In addition, participants are expected to have reflected on, and begun planning, their learning designs in advance of this live workshop. This workshop will take place on Zoom and may be accessed via a link that will be e-mailed to you.

Event Date 01-10-2020 14:00
Event End Date 01-10-2020 16:00
Cut off date 30-09-2020 9:00
Capacity 60
Registered 0
Available place 60
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

This live online reimaging workshop will provide participants with a process and a structure by which they can design blended learning that meets their learners’ needs.

The goal of this live workshop is to:

  • focus on designing a blended learning approach for a programme, module or a centre
  • be discussion based and use elements of the ABC Learning Framework, Microsoft 21 CLD materials and other appropriate tools
  • facilitate discussion and sharing of participants’ designs

It is expected that all those attending this live online workshop will have completed the previous 3 asynchronous sessions. In addition, participants are expected to have reflected on, and begun planning, their learning designs in advance of this live workshop. This workshop will take place on Zoom and may be accessed via a link that will be e-mailed to you.

Event Date 09-10-2020 10:00
Event End Date 09-10-2020 12:00
Cut off date 08-10-2020 9:00
Capacity 60
Registered 0
Available place 60
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

This live online reimaging workshop will provide participants with a process and a structure by which they can design blended learning that meets their learners’ needs.

The goal of this live workshop is to:

  • focus on designing a blended learning approach for a programme, module or a centre
  • be discussion based and use elements of the ABC Learning Framework, Microsoft 21 CLD materials and other appropriate tools
  • facilitate discussion and sharing of participants’ designs

It is expected that all those attending this live online workshop will have completed the previous 3 asynchronous sessions. In addition, participants are expected to have reflected on, and begun planning, their learning designs in advance of this live workshop. This workshop will take place on Zoom and may be accessed via a link that will be e-mailed to you.

Event Date 14-10-2020 10:00
Event End Date 14-10-2020 12:00
Cut off date 13-10-2020 9:00
Capacity 60
Registered 0
Available place 60
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

This live online reimaging workshop will provide participants with a process and a structure by which they can design blended learning that meets their learners’ needs.

The goal of this live workshop is to:

  • focus on designing a blended learning approach for a programme, module or a centre
  • be discussion based and use elements of the ABC Learning Framework, Microsoft 21 CLD materials and other appropriate tools
  • facilitate discussion and sharing of participants’ designs

It is expected that all those attending this live online workshop will have completed the previous 3 asynchronous sessions. In addition, participants are expected to have reflected on, and begun planning, their learning designs in advance of this live workshop. This workshop will take place on Zoom and may be accessed via a link that will be e-mailed to you.

Event Date 19-10-2020 14:00
Event End Date 19-10-2020 16:00
Cut off date 19-10-2020 14:00
Capacity 60
Registered 0
Available place 60
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

This live online reimaging workshop will provide participants with a process and a structure by which they can design blended learning that meets their learners’ needs.

The goal of this live workshop is to:

  • focus on designing a blended learning approach for a programme, module or a centre
  • be discussion based and use elements of the ABC Learning Framework, Microsoft 21 CLD materials and other appropriate tools
  • facilitate discussion and sharing of participants’ designs

It is expected that all those attending this live online workshop will have completed the previous 3 asynchronous sessions. In addition, participants are expected to have reflected on, and begun planning, their learning designs in advance of this live workshop. This workshop will take place on Zoom and may be accessed via a link that will be e-mailed to you.

Event Date 01-12-2020 10:00
Event End Date 01-12-2020 12:00
Cut off date 30-11-2020 17:00
Capacity 60
Registered 0
Available place 60
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event


Why Reflective Practice?

Reflective practice has become a focus of interest and a powerful movement in education. The complexity of teaching requires educators to question their practices for their own professional development in order to improve and to increase learner performance. Reflective practice is the ability to reflect on an action so as to engage in a process of continuous learning. A key rationale for reflective practice is that experience alone does not automatically lead to learning, deliberate reflection on experience is essential.

Further Education and Training (FET) programmes often take place in settings that have a great deal of ambiguity, complexity, variety, and conflicting values that make unique demands on an educator's skills and knowledge. As a result FET personnel are constantly making choices about the nature of problems that arise and how to solve them in a caring and supportive way. We review our teaching methods and behaviours and determine what works or doesn’t work for learners, cognitively and affectively, in given contexts.

By engaging in reflective practice about our work, we learn to recognise our personal and professional values. We become more adept at trialling new ways of teaching or communicating. We become better educators, administrators, trainers, managers or leaders. We ultimately become masters of our own professional development.

This online PD event will guide you through the theory and practice of reflection on your work. There will be opportunities for you to engage in reflective writing during the session so please bring a pen and paper. On registration, you will be asked to complete an initial exercise that will help you to focus on your present situation. This exercise is for you and will not be shared with others.

The target audience for this event is: FET Staff including teachers, tutors, trainers, co-ordinators, managers.

Facilitation: This event will be hosted by FESS and facilitated by Carmel Lillis. Carmel is an independent education consultant. She has worked in a variety of roles in the education system and has contributed to leadership programmes for teachers in Maynooth University and the University of Limerick in the areas of reflective practice and action research. She is a qualified personal and executive coach. Carmel works with Education Centres and presents programmes for principals and deputy principals. She has delivered professional development seminars to Special Needs Assistants and is involved in supporting nurture groups in schools.

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this session unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows we can offer your booked place to another person.


Event Date 22-03-2021 10:00
Event End Date 22-03-2021 11:30
Cut off date 19-03-2021 15:00
Capacity 100
Registered 0
Available place 100
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Title: An approach to Building Literacy Awareness across FET 

With the imminent publication of the new ten-year Adult Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy Strategy, FESS is delighted to partner with CDETB in sharing An Approach to Building Literacy Awareness across FET Provision.  

This is a two-part introduction and will take place over Zoom. Participants will be introduced to the content and materials of a 6 session Literacy Awareness for FET programme developed by the CDETB Adult Education Service. We will explore the ethos and rationale of the development of this programme and introduce the content, materials and delivery notes. We will also examine effective methodologies for online facilitation that best embed reflective practice and shared learning.  

Target Audience: This two-part introduction is for key Adult Literacy practitioners, nominated by ETBs, to support their FET staff in becoming literacy-aware across all types of provision

Facilitation: CDETB Adult Education Service & FESS 

Time Commitment: Two 2-hour sessions

Dates for delivery:  Thursday 10th June from 2pm - 4pm AND Thursday 17th June from 2pm - 4pm 

Event Date 10-06-2021 14:00
Event End Date 10-06-2021 16:00
Cut off date 10-06-2021 14:00
Capacity 60
Registered 0
Available place 60
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Due to the increased emphasis on the importance of reflective practice in the new ETB Early Learning and Care programmes, the Further Education Support Service (FESS) is delighted to offer online professional development in the area of reflective practice to support early learning and care staff in the implementation and delivery of these new programmes.

This live online session will be facilitated by Carmel Lillis. Carmel is an independent education consultant and personal coach with experience as a teacher, home/school/community coordinator, and school principal. She currently supports the work of school principals, deputy principals, and teachers through facilitated workshops on leadership and coaching. She is a tutor on the Innovative Teaching and Learning Master’s programme in Maynooth University and is committed to lifelong learning.

Overview of the session 
Practicing in a professional capacity in early childhood education settings is a complex and challenging career choice. Each setting is a learning environment not only for the children but for the adults involved.
Adults involved in these learning communities, are professionals who commit to lifelong learning and take every opportunity to deepen their understanding of their roles and responsibilities.

Central to every learning community is the habit of reflection, through which we examine our work, individually and with others, in order to ensure that it is in accordance with both the values/ethics of our organisation and our own values.

Reflective practice requires that we engage in thought processes that make us aware, in a critical way, of our everyday activities ‘with a view to continuously improving and refining practice’ (Síolta, 2017). Developing the skills and dispositions for reflection “requires practice, intellectual engagement and purpose” (Rocco, 2010, p. 313).

This session will give participants an opportunity to learn about the critical importance of reflection as an aid to personal and professional development order to enhance the care and education provision offered in early childhood education settings.

Event Date 02-09-2021 10:00
Event End Date 02-09-2021 12:00
Cut off date 01-09-2021 17:00
Capacity 98
Registered 1
Available place 97
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Due to the increased emphasis on the importance of reflective practice in the new ETB Early Learning and Care programmes, the Further Education Support Service (FESS) is delighted to offer online professional development in the area of reflective practice to support early learning and care staff in the implementation and delivery of these new programmes.

This live online session will be facilitated by Carmel Lillis. Carmel is an independent education consultant and personal coach with experience as a teacher, home/school/community coordinator, and school principal. She currently supports the work of school principals, deputy principals, and teachers through facilitated workshops on leadership and coaching. She is a tutor on the Innovative Teaching and Learning Master’s programme in Maynooth University and is committed to lifelong learning.

Overview of the session 
Practicing in a professional capacity in early childhood education settings is a complex and challenging career choice. Each setting is a learning environment not only for the children but for the adults involved.
Adults involved in these learning communities, are professionals who commit to lifelong learning and take every opportunity to deepen their understanding of their roles and responsibilities.

Central to every learning community is the habit of reflection, through which we examine our work, individually and with others, in order to ensure that it is in accordance with both the values/ethics of our organisation and our own values.

Reflective practice requires that we engage in thought processes that make us aware, in a critical way, of our everyday activities ‘with a view to continuously improving and refining practice’ (Síolta, 2017). Developing the skills and dispositions for reflection “requires practice, intellectual engagement and purpose” (Rocco, 2010, p. 313).

This session will give participants an opportunity to learn about the critical importance of reflection as an aid to personal and professional development order to enhance the care and education provision offered in early childhood education settings.

Event Date 08-09-2021 10:00
Event End Date 08-09-2021 12:00
Cut off date 07-09-2021 17:00
Capacity 110
Registered 9
Available place 101
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

This online event is a follow on to the Reflective Practice in Further Education and Training Settings PD event offered by FESS in March 2021. This new event, open to all and not exclusive to those who participated in March, aims to further support practitioners in their various roles as they endeavour to use reflective practice as part of their continuous professional development.

As teachers, tutors, trainers and administrators, we know the importance of modelling the habit of reflection and know that we can influence others through our practice, building reflective communities where we work. We want to be part of a supportive environment where enquiry into practice is accepted and prioritised. Leadership and teamwork are the platforms and scaffolding for this enterprise.

This event will:

  • provide a brief overview of the history of reflective practice in the professions
  • explore the relevance of reflective practice to the role of the FET practitioner
  • discuss the dispositions, habits and skills needed to take part in learning conversations as participant and leader. These conversations may act as a catalyst for writing a reflective journal as an aid to learning from experience
  • share examples of reflective writing and demonstrate how the development of the professional is enhanced by keeping a learning journal.

Learning together in this event will help us recognise the transformative possibilities that follow from our intentional efforts at reflective practice. Reflective learning is personal but holds within itself the possibilities for transforming our personal and professional lives with consequent benefits for all our adult learners.

The target audience for this event is: FET Staff including teachers, tutors, trainers, co-ordinators, managers.

Facilitation: This event will be hosted by FESS and facilitated by Carmel Lillis. Carmel is an independent education consultant in the primary, post-primary and third level sectors. She has worked in a variety of roles in the education system and has contributed to leadership programmes for teachers in Maynooth University and the University of Limerick in the areas of reflective practice and action research. She is a qualified personal and executive coach. Carmel works with Education Centres and presents programmes for principals and deputy principals. She has delivered professional development seminars to Special Needs Assistants and is involved in supporting nurture groups in schools.

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this session unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows we can offer your booked place to another person.

Event Date 14-09-2021 10:00
Event End Date 14-09-2021 11:30
Cut off date 13-09-2021 17:00
Capacity 120
Registered 29
Available place 91
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

This online event will provide an opportunity to consider QQI requirements and guidelines around ensuring the meaningful involvement and input of learners in the ongoing review, maintenance and enhancement of a provider’s quality assurance system.

In addition, it will provide an opportunity to hear about the work of AONTAS in capturing the learner voice, as it is used in the National FET Learner Forum. AONTAS will also describe what they have learned about capturing the learner voice in an online setting during COVID-19, what methodologies proved most effective, and how they ensure that learners have a safe, respectful space to freely share their experiences so that learner voice processes are authentic.

Finally, there will be an opportunity to hear from providers about their approach to engaging with learners:

  • CMETB will talk about the steps they have taken to include the learner voice in the ongoing review, maintenance and enhancement of their quality assurance processes
  • Moate Business College, a single location provider, from the Voluntary Secondary/Community and Comprehensive School (VSCCS) sector, will share their experience of capturing the learner voice and how this data is used to inform the improvement of quality assured systems
  • CETB will explain their approach to engaging with learners, and the role of the learners, in the inaugural review of quality assurance in education and training boards

The target audience for this event is: FET staff engaging with learners and those tasked with capturing the learner voice within their provision.

Facilitation: This event will be hosted by FESS and facilitated by FESS, AONTAS, CMETB, Moate Business College and CETB.

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this session unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows we can offer your booked place to another person.

Event Date 05-10-2021 14:00
Event End Date 05-10-2021 16:00
Cut off date 04-10-2021 17:00
Capacity 120
Registered 25
Available place 95
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

This online event will explore the practical implementation of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) within FET providers.

The following topics will be covered:
RPL within the Provider:

  • Legislation (provider context)
  • Policies and Procedures
  • Resource Implications
  • Staffing for RPL
  • 'Location’ of RPL within the provider
  • Developing staff capacity in RPL

RPL for:

  • Access
  • Advanced Entry
  • Certification

Developing an RPL Toolkit:

  • RPL Handbook
  • Applicant Guide
  • Forms
  • Assessment instruments
  • Materials for staff Professional Development in RPL
  • Promotional materials

An RPL Journey:

  • From Screening to Certification
  • Unpacking the 4 stages of RPL : Identification, Documentation, Assessment and Certification

The target audience for this event is: those with an interest or role in the implementation of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) within FET providers.

Facilitation: This event will be hosted by FESS and will be facilitated by Anne Higgins, Quality Assurance Co-Ordinator, Galway and Roscommon ETB and Patsy Hogan, Quality Assurance Officer - Policies, Procedures, Supports and Stakeholder Engagement, Limerick and Clare ETB.

Anne Higgins has worked across Further Education and Higher Education for many years, in both teaching and managerial roles. She has extensive experience in the delivery of programmes and the assessment of learners, and as an External Authenticator. Anne is a member, and former Convenor, of the RPL Practitioner Network National Steering Group and is very active in the implementation of RPL initiatives regionally and nationally. Anne’s current role is as Quality Assurance Co-Ordinator with Galway and Roscommon ETB.

Patsy Hogan has many years’ experience working in FET, initially as an IT teacher, then a BTEI Co-ordinator and in the past five years as part of the Quality Assurance team in Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board. Patsy has a particular interest in the area of RPL and is involved in many local and national projects in this area.

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this session unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows we can offer your booked place to another person.

Event Date 19-10-2021 10:00
Event End Date 19-10-2021 12:00
Cut off date 18-10-2021 17:00
Capacity 70
Registered 20
Available place 50
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

This is a brand new seminar with Shane Martin about psychological renewal as people adjust to living and working in uncertain times.

This pandemic has tested people like nothing we have ever experienced before. Our world has changed forever. Despite the success of the vaccination programme cases continue to rise. We cannot plan for the future with the degree of certainty we were accustomed to. There is a prevailing sense of insecurity affecting many people even at a subconscious level.

In this brand new seminar Shane will explore the psychological consequences of this pandemic and offer ways to learn from the experience and turn a new page. We need to take stock of what has happened but also move forward with a renewed focus on what matters about this life we live. We need to learn not only to rise to the challenges of COVID-19 but to the inevitable challenges that lie ahead. We need a sense of purpose in our life and work. We need to harness hope and resilience within ourselves.

Humans have an innate capacity to cope much better than they think. Some very simple strategies/habits can foster the traits we need for coping. This pandemic presents us with an opportunity to renew ourselves spirituality but also to help us balance our lives better. We can learn to relax better and tackle anxiety with more confidence.

This seminar is a ‘must have’ in the times we are living in.….

The target audience for this event is: FET Staff including teachers, tutors, trainers, co-ordinators, managers.

Facilitation: This session will be facilitated by Shane Martin C.Psychol.Ps.S.I. , Chartered Psychologist of the Psychological Society of Ireland.
Shane is dedicated to teaching the very best evidence-based psychology to help people protect their mental health and enhance the quality of their lives, and has previously delivered a number of very successful sessions for FESS.
A leader within the area of education, he has visited hundreds of educational institutions nationwide working with management teams, teachers/lecturers, students and parents. As a former teacher he promotes realistic evidence-based interventions that can foster better mental health within whole school communities. He has been a keynote speaker at numerous conferences on a range of topics around wellbeing, positive mental health, recovery and happiness. He has been engaged by the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST), the Irish Primary Principals’ Network and the Centre for School Leadership. He has also been a guest lecturer at a number of universities in Ireland.

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this session unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows we can offer your booked place to another person.

Event Date 10-03-2022 10:00
Event End Date 10-03-2022 11:30
Cut off date 09-03-2022 9:00
Capacity 120
Registered 116
Available place 4
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

This new online event aims to assist FET staff to prepare guidance and assessment documents to support RPL applicants structure a portfolio of evidence for summative assessment against national standards. This is an interactive event where participants will be provided with information, have the opportunity to engage in discussion and participate in a workshop to support the implementation of the RPL process.

This practical session will:

  • Provide an overview of the key roles in the RPL process
  • Demonstrate how learning outcomes can be used to support RPL candidates to reflect on their knowledge, skills, competence and the level of their learning
  • Include practical steps in using learning outcomes to devise summative assessment tasks
  • Discuss the importance of a professional conversation / dialogue with RPL applicants
  • Provide participants with the opportunity to write an RPL summative assessment task
  • Discuss the integrity of the assessment process and how an assessment rubric will ensure a consistent approach to assessment and grading

During this session reference will be made to the SOLAS – funded FET RPL Toolkit for Education and Training Providers developed by Donegal ETB and Limerick & Clare ETB and launched in 2022.

Learning together in this event will explore practical steps to offering and implementing the RPL process in FET.

The target audience for this event is: FET staff including teachers, tutors, trainers, programme co-ordinators who have a role or interest in implementing RPL.

Facilitation: This event will be facilitated by Martina Needham. Martina has worked in Adult and Further Education for more than 20 years. She was Adult Education Officer and Basic Education Coordinator with Donegal Education and Training Board until her recent retirement. She has significant experience in programme development and recognition of prior learning. She has delivered workshops in Ireland and Europe and has recently completed a Level 9 Special Purpose Award in Recognition of Prior Learning. Martina is an RPL practitioner and was a member of the RPL Practitioner Network National Steering Group. Martina is a strong advocate of lifelong learning and social inclusion.

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this session unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows we can offer your booked place to another person.


Event Date 20-09-2022 10:00
Event End Date 20-09-2022 12:00
Cut off date 19-09-2022 9:00
Capacity 70
Registered 64
Available place 6
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Test for new website - office use only

Test for new website - office use only

Test for new website - office use only


Event Date 23-01-2023
Event End Date 30-01-2023
Capacity Unlimited
Registered 0
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

FESS is offering a series of three interactive standalone online workshops in the thematic area of Active Teaching and Learning, facilitated by Miriam O’ Donoghue. This is session one of the series. Participants may attend one or more of these workshops.

CPD Theme: Mind Mapping
Mind Mapping is a thinking tool that represents and organises ideas and information on a theme or topic in a visual and colourful way.

Mind Maps show connections and relationships between ideas and information making them an excellent tool for supporting mental literacy and improving memory and recall.

This hands-on practical workshop will introduce, step by step, the easy and accessible method of Mind-Mapping created by Tony Buzan, the original inventor of Mind Mapping.

Miriam O Donoghue the trainer for this workshop was trained by Tony Buzan and is a Tony Buzan Licensed Instructor https://tonybuzan.com/trainers_ireland


During the workshop we will:

  • explore the thinking behind Mind Mapping
    • identify the resources needed for Mind Mapping
    • experience the steps involved in creating a Mind Map
    • deconstruct a Mind Map to understand key important elements
    • have a go at creating a Mind Map
    • unpack some uses of Mind Maps
    • understand how Mind Maps help students to learn better
    • look at styles of Mind Maps
    • explore some digital Mind Mapping tools


Materials needed: Participants need to bring large sheets of paper, pen, coloured pencils/markers to the session.

The target audience for this event is: All FET staff members, including teachers, tutors, trainers, instructors and those in a co-ordination and/or quality assurance role.

Facilitation: This event will be facilitated by Miriam O’Donoghue. Miriam is an independent facilitator, trainer and consultant with a strong background and experience of working in Education both nationally and internationally that includes teaching, lecturing and training roles at Primary, Post-primary, Further Education and Training, and Higher Education (Teacher Education) levels. Miriam has also held senior management roles in Curriculum Development, Professional Development and Education Support Services.

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this session unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows, we can offer your booked place to another person.


Event Date 13-03-2023 14:00
Event End Date 13-03-2023 16:00
Cut off date 13-03-2023 14:00
Capacity 60
Registered 43
Available place 17
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

FESS is offering a series of three interactive standalone online workshops in the thematic area of Active Teaching and Learning, facilitated by Miriam O’ Donoghue. This is session two of the series. Participants may attend one or more of these workshops.
CPD Theme: Creative Reflection Toolkit

We do not learn from experience…we learn from reflecting on experience John Dewey

Even though there is no one way when it comes to reflection, many students find the process quite challenging when required to reflect or evaluate as part of their course or assessment work.

This workshop explores some creative reflection models, tools and activities that can help students engage with the reflective process so that it is more manageable, accessible and enjoyable.

During the workshop we will:

  • discuss participants experience, thinking and feelings about reflection and their students
    • experience a range of engaging, accessible and creative reflection frameworks, tools and activities
    • explore applications and relevance to participants own work

Materials needed: Participants need to bring paper and pen to the session.

The target audience for this event is: FET teachers, tutors, trainers.

Facilitation: This event will be facilitated by Miriam O’Donoghue. Miriam is an independent facilitator, trainer and consultant with a strong background and experience of working in Education both nationally and internationally that includes teaching, lecturing and training roles at Primary, Post-primary, Further Education and Training, and Higher Education (Teacher Education) levels. Miriam has also held senior management roles in Curriculum Development, Professional Development and Education Support Services.

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this session unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows, we can offer your booked place to another person.

Event Date 21-03-2023 14:00
Event End Date 21-03-2023 16:00
Cut off date 21-03-2023 14:00
Capacity 60
Registered 30
Available place 30
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

FESS is offering a series of three interactive standalone online workshops in the thematic area of Active Teaching and Learning, facilitated by Miriam O’ Donoghue. This is session three of a series of three interactive standalone workshops. Participants may attend one or more of these workshops.

CPD Theme: Think like deBono
Edward deBono, the originator of the term Lateral Thinking, dedicated his life to inspiring, encouraging and enabling others to be better and more creative thinkers by breaking old patterns and creating new ones.
Lateral Thinking is a structured approach for thinking differently and exploring viewpoints and understanding.

This workshop explores some of Edward de Bonos quick and easy to use thinking tools called the CoRT tools. These help to direct thinking, support creative thinking and structure evaluative thinking.

The easy-to-use tools can support thinking in any situation or context with minimal set up e.g., in the classroom with students, in staff meetings, consultations etc.

During the workshop we will:

  • explore a range of deBonos CoRT tools
    • practice using the tools in groups
    • understand how the tools can support a broader and more in-depth exploration of a topic, scenario, problem / challenge.

Materials needed: Participants need to bring a few sheets of paper and pen to the session.

The target audience for this event is: All FET staff members, including teachers, tutors, trainers, instructors and those in a co-ordination and/or quality assurance role.

Facilitation: This event will be facilitated by Miriam O’Donoghue. Miriam is an independent facilitator, trainer and consultant with a strong background and experience of working in Education both nationally and internationally that includes teaching, lecturing and training roles at Primary, Post-primary, Further Education and Training, and Higher Education (Teacher Education) levels. Miriam has also held senior management roles in Curriculum Development, Professional Development and Education Support Services.

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this session unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows, we can offer your booked place to another person.


Event Date 29-03-2023 14:00
Event End Date 29-03-2023 16:00
Cut off date 29-03-2023 14:00
Capacity 60
Registered 34
Available place 26
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Icebreakers and getting to know each other activities (online – 2 hours)

This workshop explores some tools, activities and approaches that can be used to help student groups introduce themselves, interact with each other or get to know each other better in a fun, and non cringy way!

This is a great session for teachers early in the academic year but can also be used over time to help students gain more awareness and understanding of each other.

Workshop participants will experience a string of different activities so that they can select those that will work best for their groups for later implementation.

Materials needed: Participants need to bring to the session: a pen, large sheets of paper, scissors, coloured markers/pencils, a small bundle of old magazines/brochures with pictures, a glue stick/sellotape and a dice.

The target audience for this event is: All FET staff members, including teachers, tutors, trainers, instructors and those in a co-ordination and/or quality assurance role.

Facilitation: This event will be facilitated by Miriam O’Donoghue. Miriam is an independent facilitator, trainer and consultant with a strong background and experience of working in Education both nationally and internationally that includes teaching, lecturing and training roles at Primary, Post-primary, Further Education and Training, and Higher Education (Teacher Education) levels. Miriam has also held senior management roles in Curriculum Development, Professional Development and Education Support Services.

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this session unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows, we can offer your booked place to another person.

Event Date 09-10-2023 14:00
Event End Date 09-10-2023 16:00
Cut off date 09-10-2023 14:00
Capacity 60
Registered 44
Available place 16
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Image for Miriam session

This online workshop will introduce some visual thinking tools and techniques to support FET learners develop ideas for projects, reports and presentations e.g. map initial ideas, research a topic, find relevant keywords etc.
The workshop is hands-on and will take participants through the process of selecting and using different tools, and exploring possible uses and applications.

NOTE ; Material Needed: participants need to bring a few large sheets of paper (A3) and some coloured pens to the workshop


The target audience for this event is: FET staff members, especially those in a management/co-ordination and/or quality assurance role who have a particular interest in RPL promotion and/or development in their ETB.

Facilitation: Miriam is an independent facilitator, trainer and consultant with a strong background and experience of working in Education both nationally and internationally that includes teaching, lecturing and training roles at Primary, Post-primary, Further Education and Training, and Higher Education (Teacher Education) levels. Miriam has also held senior management roles in Curriculum Development, Professional Development and Education Support Services.

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this session unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows, we can offer your booked place to another person.

Event Date 15-04-2024 14:00
Event End Date 15-04-2024 16:00
Cut off date 15-04-2024 14:00
Capacity 100
Registered 44
Available place 56
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Creating Connections: Effective Check-In Activities for FET Learning Environments

Check-in activities serve as a bridge between social interactions, discussions, and shared experiences, playing a crucial role in shaping students' perspectives, beliefs, and understanding of contexts around them.

Check-ins are more than just icebreakers; they serve as an opportunity for genuine connection and understanding among students. They help to foster a sense of community, trust, and openness among students and help to create a more inclusive and supportive classroom environment.

Check-ins can be categorised into different types based on their purpose, format, and the information they aim to gather e.g., Emotional Check-Ins, Rapport building Check-ins, Reflection Check-Ins, Goal-Setting Check-Ins, Check-Ins for Feedback etc.

This two-hour interactive workshop will equip FET staff with practical strategies to foster emotional well-being, boost student engagement, and build a strong sense of community within the classroom.

In this session, you will:
· Understand the theoretical foundations of check-in activities, including psychological safety, social-emotional learning (SEL), and emotional intelligence
· Explore a variety of check-in types and techniques that cover verbal, visual and physical activities
· Participate in a range of sample check-in activities and experience firsthand how these exercises can positively impact classroom dynamics
· Gain insights into managing check-ins
· Leave with a toolkit of ready-to-use enjoyable check-in activities and ideas to implement immediately in your teaching practice.

This session is ideal for FET teachers who are eager to create a more connected and supportive learning environment.

The target audience for this session is: FET staff including management, teachers, tutors, trainers, programme coordinators, guidance counsellors, learning support staff and wellbeing officers.

Facilitation: This event will be facilitated by Miriam O’Donoghue. Miriam is an independent facilitator, trainer and consultant with a strong background and experience of working in Education both nationally and internationally that includes teaching, lecturing and training roles at Primary, Post-primary, Further Education and Training, and Higher Education (Teacher Education) levels. Miriam has also held senior management roles in Curriculum Development, Professional Development and Education Support Services.

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this session unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows, we can offer your booked place to another person.

Event Date 10-10-2024 10:00
Event End Date 10-10-2024 12:00
Cut off date 10-10-2024 10:00
Capacity 100
Registered 54
Available place 46
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Lego®Serious Play® in FET

Why not try something a little different with your students this year.

Lego® Serious Play® (LSP) is a facilitated methodology created by the Lego® Group.

In a Lego®Serious Play® session students engage in experiential learning and build with LEGO® bricks and elements in a very different way to normal Lego® building.

The process is surprisingly powerful and is an effective way to engage the brain and work through different scenarios and challenges to achieve outcomes.

The process supports thinking with the hands. Everyone builds, everyone listens and everyone tells their stories ensuring 100% engagement and 100% respect. Its helps to make sense of complex information and is grounded in scientific research.


This session will cover:

What is Lego®Serious Play®
Lego®Serious Play®check-ins
Lego®Serious Play® process and etiquette
Using Lego® bricks, elements and activities to support thinking, listening, sharing, voice, reflection and evaluation
Sourcing Lego®Serious Play® resources
N.B. Materials / resources needed for the workshop:

In order to join the workshop, it is essential that ALL participants:

bring along a small box of Lego® bricks and elements to the online workshop. These should be in a range of different colours and shapes; the more unusual and random the shapes the better!
Have a desk space for working with the Lego®
have all laptop cameras and Mics on throughout the entire session.
PLEASE NOTE: Should you have difficulty sourcing Lego® bricks and you wish to participate in this workshop, please contact FESS as soon as possible and we will try to assist you.

This session is ideal for FET teachers who are eager to create a more connected and supportive learning environment.

The target audience for this session is: FET staff including management, teachers, tutors, trainers, programme coordinators, guidance counsellors, learning support staff and wellbeing officers.

miriamFacilitation: This event will be facilitated by Miriam O’Donoghue. Miriam is an independent facilitator, trainer and consultant with a strong background and experience of working in Education both nationally and internationally that includes teaching, lecturing and training roles at Primary, Post-primary, Further Education and Training, and Higher Education (Teacher Education) levels. Miriam has also held senior management roles in Curriculum Development, Professional Development and Education Support Services.

Miriam is a trained and experienced LEGO® Serious Play® facilitator and trainer.

Miriam has a deep understanding of LEGO® Serious Play® methodology, principles, techniques, and the applications of LEGO® Serious Play®.

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this session unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows, we can offer your booked place to another person.

Event Date 11-03-2025 14:00
Event End Date 11-03-2025 16:00
Cut off date 11-03-2025 14:00
Capacity 100
Registered 73
Available place 27
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event