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ETBI adopted a coordinated approach to the development of programmes and programme modules for sharing across the DES sector. The table below lists the level 2 programme modules that were developed as part of this initiative and that have now been evaluated.


Component Name
and Code

V3 - evaluated
Programme Modules

Computer Skills M2T11

Computer Skills

Craft M2A19


Data Handling M2N08

Data Handling

Design M2A20

Drama M2A22
Learning through Drama

Food Choice and Health M2H16
Fuel for Living

Health Related Exercise M2H17
Move for Health

Life Science: Life Cycles M2S26
Life Cycles

Life Science: Habitats M2S25

Life Science: Horticulture M2S28
Gardening for Beginners

Listening and Speaking M2C03

Listening and Speaking

Music M2A23


Non Verbal Communications M2C04
Non Verbal Communications

Pattern and Relationship M2N06

Pattern and Relationship

Personal Care M2H14

Personal Care

Personal Decision Making M2L12

I Decide

Personal Safety M2H15

Safety First

Quantitative Problem Solving M2N09

Quantitative Problem Solving

Quantity and Number M2N05

Quantity and Number

Reading M2C01


Relaxation Techniques M2H21

Relaxation Techniques

Setting Learning Goals M2L13

Setting Learning Goals

Shape and Space M2N07

Shape and Space

Using Technology M2T10

Using Technology

Visual Art M2A18

Visual Art

Writing M2C02
