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Example of the process for different assessment technique,

different percentage weighting  

In this example, assessment from two modules is being integrated:

Module Name and Code Assessment Technique Assessment Weighting
Caring for Children D20159 Project 40%
Communications G20001 Collection of Work - structured report 25%

Step 1

Read the Guidelines given in Section 11 of each module descriptor

Caring for Children D20159 - Project 40%

Candidates will demonstrate their understanding and application of concepts in caring for children. Use of relevant research skills and sources of information. Ability to analyse, evaluate, draw conclusions, make recommendations.
May be presented using a variety of media: written, oral, graphic, audio, video or any combination of these.
Audio/ video evidence must be on tape.

Communications G20002

Collection of Work - structured report 25%

Short, structured report, based on any topic, information gathered from a variety of sources. Could be based on vocational area or on research done for another module.
May be handwritten or word-processed.
Approximately 500 words.

Step 2

Consult the Specific Learning Outcomes in Section 10 of each descriptor.
In the case of Caring for Children D20159, this assessment is likely to be based mostly on Unit 1 (Safety) and Unit 2 (Health) - though other parts of the learning programme may also have a bearing.

In the case of Communications G20001, this assessment is likely to be based mostly on Unit 2 ( Reading and Writing) - though other parts of the learning programme may also have a bearing.

Step 3

Consult the Assessment Criteria listed on the Individual Candidate Marking Sheet for each module

Caring for Children D20159 (synopsis)

Effective planning and research.
Comprehensive exploration of health and safety issues in Childcare.
Thorough understanding of concepts in caring for children.
Considered evaluation, conclusions recommendations.

Communications G20001 (synopsis)

Well-structured, detailed, balanced. Terms of reference well interpreted, on time.
Comprehensive, relevant research references, bibliography.
Key issues discussed - original thinking critical thinking, analysis.
Fluent, free from minor errors of spelling, grammar, punctuation.

Step 4

Write the Brief for this integrated assessment, using the Brief Template

Titles and Codes of Modules: Caring for Children D20159 & Communications G20001

Assessment Techniques: Project & Collection of Work (Structured Report)

Weightings: 40% & 25%

Title: Health & Safety in the Childcare Setting: Written Report

Guidelines: Write a report (1,200 - 1,500 words) on at least four of the Health & Safety issues you observed during your four-week work placement. The report should include an exploration of health and safety concepts in childcare. This should be substantiated by comprehensive and relevant research, using both primary and secondary sources. Findings should be clearly documented and sources should be acknowledged. A full bibliography should be included.

The Report asks for 1,200 - 1,500 words, because the 500 words required by the Structured Report - Communications G20001 would not be enough to allow candidates to achieve all the assessment criteria for the Project - Caring for Children D20159

Assessment Criteria: The Report should:

The Assessor may wish to list the Assessment Criteria here, worded exactly as on the Individual Candidate Marking Sheets or attach a copy of the Individual Candidate Marking Sheets or rephrase/ amalgamate the Assessment Criteria.

The Learners should understand how the Assessment will be marked and that it is possible to achieve different results for each module

Issue Date: ______________________________

Submission Date: ______________________________

Learner Name: ______________________________

I confirm that this is my own original work

Learner Signature: _______________________________

Date: _______________________________

Step 5

the Report should be (photo)copied so that each Assessor can mark it separately according to the separate Assessment Criteria for each module, and so that it will be available for the External Authenticator in the Portfolio of Assessment for each of the modules.