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Example of Integrated Assessments 4
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Example of the process for different assessment technique,
different percentage weighting
In this example, assessment from two modules is being integrated:
Module Name and Code | Assessment Technique | Assessment Weighting |
Caring for Children D20159 | Project | 40% |
Communications G20001 | Collection of Work - structured report | 25% |
Step 1
Read the Guidelines given in Section 11 of each module descriptor
Caring for Children D20159 - Project 40%
Candidates will demonstrate their understanding and application of concepts in caring for children. Use of relevant research skills and sources of information. Ability to analyse, evaluate, draw conclusions, make recommendations.
May be presented using a variety of media: written, oral, graphic, audio, video or any combination of these.
Audio/ video evidence must be on tape.
Communications G20002
Collection of Work - structured report 25%
Short, structured report, based on any topic, information gathered from a variety of sources. Could be based on vocational area or on research done for another module.
May be handwritten or word-processed.
Approximately 500 words.
Step 2
Consult the Specific Learning Outcomes in Section 10 of each descriptor.
In the case of Caring for Children D20159, this assessment is likely to be based mostly on Unit 1 (Safety) and Unit 2 (Health) - though other parts of the learning programme may also have a bearing.
In the case of Communications G20001, this assessment is likely to be based mostly on Unit 2 ( Reading and Writing) - though other parts of the learning programme may also have a bearing.
Step 3
Consult the Assessment Criteria listed on the Individual Candidate Marking Sheet for each module
Caring for Children D20159 (synopsis)
Effective planning and research.
Comprehensive exploration of health and safety issues in Childcare.
Thorough understanding of concepts in caring for children.
Considered evaluation, conclusions recommendations.
Communications G20001 (synopsis)
Well-structured, detailed, balanced. Terms of reference well interpreted, on time.
Comprehensive, relevant research references, bibliography.
Key issues discussed - original thinking critical thinking, analysis.
Fluent, free from minor errors of spelling, grammar, punctuation.
Step 4
Write the Brief for this integrated assessment, using the Brief Template
Titles and Codes of Modules: Caring for Children D20159 & Communications G20001
Assessment Techniques: Project & Collection of Work (Structured Report)
Weightings: 40% & 25%
Title: Health & Safety in the Childcare Setting: Written Report
Guidelines: Write a report (1,200 - 1,500 words) on at least four of the Health & Safety issues you observed during your four-week work placement. The report should include an exploration of health and safety concepts in childcare. This should be substantiated by comprehensive and relevant research, using both primary and secondary sources. Findings should be clearly documented and sources should be acknowledged. A full bibliography should be included.
The Report asks for 1,200 - 1,500 words, because the 500 words required by the Structured Report - Communications G20001 would not be enough to allow candidates to achieve all the assessment criteria for the Project - Caring for Children D20159
Assessment Criteria: The Report should:
The Assessor may wish to list the Assessment Criteria here, worded exactly as on the Individual Candidate Marking Sheets or attach a copy of the Individual Candidate Marking Sheets or rephrase/ amalgamate the Assessment Criteria.
The Learners should understand how the Assessment will be marked and that it is possible to achieve different results for each module
Issue Date: ______________________________
Submission Date: ______________________________
Learner Name: ______________________________
I confirm that this is my own original work
Learner Signature: _______________________________
Date: _______________________________
Step 5
the Report should be (photo)copied so that each Assessor can mark it separately according to the separate Assessment Criteria for each module, and so that it will be available for the External Authenticator in the Portfolio of Assessment for each of the modules.
Example of Integrated Assessments 3
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- Hits: 23260
Example of the process for same assessment technique,
different percentage weighting
In this example, assessment from two modules is being integrated:
Module Name and Code | Assessment Technique | Assessment Weighting |
Plant Care and Maintenance C10121 | Learner Record | 20 % |
Personal Effectiveness G10033 | Learner Record | 25% |
Step 1
Read the Guidelines given in Section 11 of each module descriptor
Personal Effectiveness G10033
11 Learning Journal 25%
The journal should document the experience gained while following a programme of study - to include a brief account of selected activities, a clear, well-structured action plan, evaluation, reflection on the learning experience, strengths and weaknesses, evidence of time management and brief comment by the tutor.
Plant Care and Maintenance C10121
11.2 Learner Record 30%
A personal record - must include details of horticultural skills used while maintaining plants over an extended period, an outline of the decision making process during the period and the steps taken to rectify problems identified.
Step 2
Consult the Specific Learning Outcomes in Section 10 of each descriptor, upon which the content of the Learner Record will be based.
In the case of Personal Effectiveness G10033, this is Unit 1 Self-managed Learning.
In the case of Plant Care and Maintenance C10121 the Learner Record will assess a range of Specific Learning Outcomes from the whole module.
Step 3
Consult the Assessment (Performance) Criteria listed for each module.
In the case of Personal Effectiveness G10033 these are listed in Section 12.
In the case of Plant Care and Maintenance C10121 they are listed on the Individual Candidate Marking Sheet.
Personal Effectiveness G10033
Performance Criteria: page 6
Current skills and abilities are accurately identified, analysed and recorded.
Details of short/ long-term learning goals show insight into present situation, with personal vision for future.
Entries comprehensive, critical reflection, analysis and evaluation.
Responsibility for own learning and development.
Plant Care and Maintenance C10121
Individual Candidate Marking Sheet
Comprehensive record of plant maintenance Detailed description of skills used.
Step 4
Write the Brief for this integrated assessment, using the Brief Template
Titles and Codes of Modules: Personal Effectiveness G10033 & Plant Care and Maintenance C10120
Assessment Techniques: Learner Record & Learner Record
Weightings: 30% & 25%
Title: Learning Journal
Guidelines: Keep a journal throughout your Horticulture course, as follows:
List all guidelines here, as read in Step 1 - in plain English, if appropriate
Add time-limits (eg three months, six months) as appropriate
State how you would like the journal to be kept - daily, weekly, monthly, as appropriate.
NB - "the journal may be presented as a written diary, or may include visual support such as drawings, photographs, paintings or other audio-visual work. Video and audio journals are also acceptable" Personal Effectiveness G10033 page 5.
Assessment Criteria: List all the criteria here as listed in Step 3 - in plain English if appropriate
The important issue is that Learners understand exactly how the Learner Record will be marked, and why it may be possible to achieve different marks under the different headings
Issue Date: ______________________________
Submission Date: ______________________________
Learner Name: ______________________________
I confirm that this is my own original work
Learner Signature: _______________________________
Date: _______________________________
Step 5
the Learner Record should be (photo)copied so that each Assessor can mark it separately according to the separate Assessment Criteria for each module, and so that it will be available for the External Authenticator in the Portfolio of Assessment for each of the modules.
Example of Integrated Assessments 2
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- Hits: 21349
Example of the process for same assessment technique,
same percentage weighting
In this example, assessment from two modules is being integrated:
Module Name and Code | Assessment Technique | Assessment Weighting |
Retail Administration B20035 | Assignment | 20% |
Work Experience W20008 | Assignment | 20% |
Step 1
Read the Guidelines given in Section 11 of each module descriptor:
Retail Administration B20035
11.2 Assignment 1 20%
Investigate and analyse a specific retail organisation, with reference to location, structure (organisational chart), ownership, quality, human resources, administration, stock control system, legal issues.
Work Experience W20008
11.1 Assignment 20%
Investigate vocational award area. Describe the sector and range of occupations. Detail qualifications and experience for one occupation in the area. Discuss employment and career opportunities in the area.
Step 2
Consult the Specific Learning Outcomes in Section 10 of each descriptor.
In the case of Retail Administration B20035 the Assignment is likely to be based on a range of Specific Learning Outcomes from Unit 1 – Unit 4.
In the case of Work Experience W20008, the Assignment will assess a range of Specific Learning Outcomes from the whole module.
Step 3
Consult the Assessment Criteria listed on the Individual Candidate Marking Sheet for each module:
Retail Administration B20035
Relevant information collected and appropriately presented. Comprehensive analysis of a retail organisation. Detailed description of a range of issues in relation to the organisation. Findings presented appropriately.
Work Experience W20008
Comprehensive profile of vocational area with detailed description of occupation and qualifications.
In-depth understanding and analysis of employment and career opportunities in the vocational area.
Step 4
Write the Brief for this integrated assessment, using the Brief Template
Titles and Codes of Modules: Retail Administration B20035 & Work Experience W20008
Assessment Techniques: Assignment & Assignment
Weightings: 20% & 20%
Title: Profile of the Retail Organisation
Investigate and analyse the retail organisation in which you did your work placement, under a range of the following headings; location(s), structure (organisational chart), ownership, quality, human resources, administration, stock control system, legal issues.
Describe the retail sector and its range of occupations
Detail the various qualifications required in the area
Discuss employment and career opportunities in the area
The Assignment might be presented as a written report, or as an oral presentation, or other format as appropriate
Assessment Criteria: The Report should:
The Assessor may wish to list the Assessment Criteria here, worded exactly as on the Individual Candidate Marking Sheets or attach a copy of the Individual Candidate Marking Sheets or rephrase/ amalgamate the Assessment Criteria.
The most important point is that the Learners should understand how the assignment will be marked and graded.
Issue Date: ______________________________
Submission Date: ______________________________
Learner Name: ______________________________
I confirm that this is my own original work
Learner Signature: _______________________________
Date: _______________________________
Step 5
The Assignment should be (photo)copied so that each Assessor can mark it separately according to the separate Assessment Criteria for each module, and so that it will be available for the External Authenticator in the Portfolio of Assessment for each of the modules.
Example of Integrated Assessments 1
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- Hits: 76611
Example of the Process at Level 3
In this example, assessment from three modules is being integrated:
Module Name and Code | Specific Learning Outcomes | Assessment Technique |
Communications GF0001 | 3.3 | Portfolio |
Food and Nutrition DF0146 | 1.1 - 1.5 | Assignment |
Personal Effectiveness GF0033 | 1 - 5 and 8 - 10 | Portfolio or Individual Candidate Marking Sheet |
Step 1
Specific Learning Outcome 3.3 from Level 3 Communications GF0001 states that the learner should be able to describe events, procedures and processes"
The Performance Criteria for that outcome are that the learner should be able to:
- Accurately describe an event or process
- Give accurate instructions for a simple task
- Communicate with reasonable fluency
- Present content in a structured way, with beginning, middle and end
- Ensure that content and delivery are suitable for audience and situation
Step 2
Consider the other modules being delivered in the Centre.
Examine Section 11 of each module whose assessment is to be integrated, for example:
Food and Nutrition DF0146: 3 Assignments on the following topics:
1: Nutrition
2: Hygiene and Safety
3: Kitchen Orientation
Personal Effectiveness GF0033: Individual Candidate Marking Sheet or Portfolio
Step 3
Go back to Section 10 of the modules chosen, and examine the Specific Learning Outcomes of each, in order to select those most likely to provide you with a coherent assessment.
Food and Nutrition DF0146
The learner should be able to:
- Outline the key elements of nutrition
- Recognise basic food-labelling symbols
- Demonstrate basic shopping skills
- Outline the key factors in storing food
- Store food correctly and safely
- Identify good personal hygiene practice
- Identify safe work practices in the kitchen
- Demonstrate basic First Aid
- Safe use and storage - cleaning agents
- Kitchen utensils and appliances
- Weigh/ measure range of ingredients
- Know temperature settings
Personal Effectiveness GF0033
The learner should be able to:
- Draw up a personal learning plan
- Gather information needed to carry out tasks
- Review and adapt the plan if necessary
- Different learning - different situations
- Evaluate the quality of work completed
- Work as a member of a team
- Evaluate the work of the team
- Maintain safe efficient working environment
- Observe safe work practices
- Observe hygienic work practices
Step 4
Go to Section 12 of each module and examine the Performance Criteria for each of the Specific Learning Outcomes chosen
Step 5
Choose the Assessment - for example, Food and Nutrition DF0146: Assignment 1 (Nutrition)
Step 6
Identify the SLOs of the three modules which will best fit this Assessment, for example :
Communications GF0001: SLO 3.3
Food and Nutrition DF0146: SLOs 1.1 - 1.5
Personal Effectiveness GF0033: SLOs 1 - 5 and 8 - 10
Step 7
Write the Brief for this integrated assessment, using the Brief Template
Titles and Codes of Modules:
Communications GF0001 & Food and Nutrition DF0146 & Personal Effectiveness GF0033
Assessment Techniques: Assignment
Title: "Healthy Eating for Families"
Guidelines: It is national "Healthy Eating for Families" week and you have been asked to give a talk to your class, who are parents of small children, on a limited budget.
Performance Criteria: Your talk should include the following:
1: an outline of the key elements of nutrition
2: examples and explanations of basic food labelling symbols
3: on outline of the key factors in storing food
4: how to make a shopping list (planned meals, budget, time)
5: how to store food correctly
6: a sample shopping basket with food correctly distributed between bags - raw/ cooked/ dairy
7: you should be able to answer questions from your audience
Issue Date: ______________________________
Submission Date: ______________________________
Learner Name: ______________________________
I confirm that this is my own original work
Learner Signature: _______________________________
Date: _______________________________
Integrating Assessment
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- Hits: 48111
Integrating assessment is where an assessment from one module/component is added to the assessment for (an)other module(s)/component(s) within the same programme, for example, a Project from one module/component added to the Project from another module/component, to form a substantial single Project within the same programme.
Assessment should not be integrated within the same module/component, for example where TWO assignments are specified in a module/component, then TWO assignments should be done. (Note: either or both of these assignments may be integrated with an assessment from another module/component within the same programme).
There are many reasons to integrate assessment, for example:
- To reduce the assessment burden
- To save the Learner unnecessary duplication of work
- To provide a more coherent learning and assessment experience for the Learner
- To meet Provider Quality Assurance requirements
It is important when planning and implementing the integration of assessment to consider the following...
If an integrated assessment will fulfil the assessment requirements for two or more modules/components on a programme, Learners should be informed of this at the beginning of the programme.
The Learner should be told:
- which modules/components will be assessed in this way
- which assessment techniques will be used
- how the final assessment is to be presented
- how the assessment will be marked (assessment criteria)
- timeline, feedback opportunities and final submission date
Clear explanation and support should be given on the following issues:
- because two (or more) modules/ components are involved, there will be two (or more) sets of results for the same piece of evidence
- that it is possible to score differently on the same piece of evidence for each of the two (or more) modules/ components because:
- each module/ component must be marked according to its own assessment criteria
- the percentage weighting for each module/ component may be different
This information should be communicated to the Learners.
Example 1: Different assessment techniques from three Level 3 modules
Example 2: Same assessment techniques and same weightings from two Level 5 modules
Example 3: Same assessment techniques and different weightings from two Level 4 modules
Example 4: Different assessment techniques and different weightings from two Level 5 modules
"Assessment should, where possible, be integrated and over-assessment avoided"
Quality Assuring Assessment Policy March 2006,p7
"A holistic approach should be taken in planning the assessment for a programme. The tendency to over-assess should be avoided and opportunities to integrate assessment across a number of minor awards should be explored. The total assessment load and the needs of the learners should be considered when the assessment is being planned"
Quality Assuring Assessment Guidelines for Providers May 2007, p12
"Programme design, delivery and assessment are coordinated so as to facilitate learners to maximise the value of their assessments across the programme. i.e. the assessment of programme modules is integrated wherever possible and the needs of learners are considered when assessments are being scheduled."
Quality Assurance in Further Education and Training: Policy and Guidelines for Providers Version 1.3, p35
"Where there is a large amount of perhaps disparate coursework, a summative assessment activity may give an opportunity for integration allowing learners consolidate achievement"
Guide to Awards at Levels 1 and 2 and associated Processes, p22