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Exploring the Shift in Programme Development Requirements for CAS Awards Under QQI Policies and Criteria for the Validation of Programmes of Education and Training (Athlone Education Centre)

This one-day CPD event will provide an opportunity for those planning, managing and co-ordinating programme development activities within a provider to begin to familiarise themselves with the QQI document Policies and Criteria for the Validation of Programmes of Education and Training (first published in 2016).

An introduction to new concepts associated with programme development, evaluation and validation, as explained in the QQI document, will be provided.

There will also be an opportunity to review the resources available to support providers developing programmes in adherence to the QQI validation policy.

In addition, those attending will be facilitated to participate in a series of practical activities where they may share ideas, identify challenges and implications and suggest approaches to overcoming issues.

This professional development day will support goal 2 of the Further Education and Training Professional Development Strategy 2017-2019 in the following strategic priority area: Quality assurance

The target audience for this CPD event is FET staff with a role in planning, managing and co-ordinating programme development activities within a provider.

Facilitator: FESS

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this session unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows we can offer your booked place to another person.

Event Properties

Event Date 02-10-2018 9:30
Event End Date 02-10-2018 16:00
Cut off date 30-09-2018 17:00
Capacity 50
Registered 0
Available place 50
Individual Price Free
Location Athlone Education Centre

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