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Jigsaw “RALLYing Around Young People” – Supporting Young People’s Mental Health (Online February 2023)
Jigsaw is a youth mental health charity which offers a range of mental health supports and services to both young people (aged 12-25 years) and those around them in the settings where they live, learn, work and play.
The Jigsaw Youth Mental Health Promotion team for FET and Higher Education aims to increase the mental health knowledge, skills, and resources of young people, and those around them across FET and higher education settings.
Jigsaw’s interactive “RALLYing around Young People” workshop follows on from Jigsaw’s session in October 2022 called “An Introduction to Jigsaw’s Youth Mental Health Promotion Team for FET Settings”.
*However, please note that attendance at October’s session is not a requirement for this session*
The R.A.L.L.Y approach is a way of helping One Good Adults to support a young person whose mental health is being challenged or at risk of being challenged.
At the end of the “RALLYing around Young People” workshop, participants will:
• Have a greater understanding of mental health and what influences people’s mental health
• Explore the concept of ‘One Good Adult’
• Know how to use the RALLY approach to support young people’s mental health
• Recognise what helps and blocks us from accessing support for mental health
*Note that while Jigsaw focuses on supporting the mental health of young people aged between 12-25, the strategies and approaches from this workshop can be applied to all age groups*
The target audience for this session is: FET staff including management, teachers, tutors, trainers, programme coordinators, guidance counsellors, learning support staff and wellbeing officers.
Facilitation: This session will be facilitated by Carrie Budds. Carrie is Youth Mental Health Coordinator with Jigsaw, working in the FET and Higher Education team. She has worked in health and wellbeing for the last 8+ years and is qualified in health promotion, specialising in workplace settings.
She has worked in a wide variety of industries, including corporate and private industry, the HSE and other public sector agencies and in tech. She has worked closely with senior leadership teams in the development of health & wellbeing policies, strategies and interventions. She has also managed her own business, helping to support employees’ mental health in the digital age by improving behaviours around digital technologies.
Carrie is particularly interested in the topics of resilience, culture change and the area of online as a setting for health promotion, and brings a wealth of experience to the Further and Higher Education setting.
Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this session unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP ( as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows, we can offer your booked place to another person.
Event Properties
Event Date | 21-02-2023 10:00 |
Event End Date | 21-02-2023 11:30 |
Cut off date | 21-02-2023 10:00 |
Capacity | 100 |
Registered | 71 |
Available place | 29 |
Individual Price | Free |
Location | Online (Link to event will be e-mailed) |