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Festive Online Zoomergisers Workshop (November, Online)

This online hands on and participative session will take participants through a series of fun and engaging activity-based energisers that require little or no prior set up.

They are quick activities that can be used as and when needed during online sessions.

They are useful when your online participants need energising and a bit of a fun festive perk up to help to support concentration and engagement.

The energisers are very flexible and while each is designed as a stand-alone activity to increase engagement, energy levels and fun in the lead up to the festive season, they can also be put together as a string of activities to form part of an end of term event you might be running online.

The workshop is suitable for anyone who has already attended a Zoomergisers session, or for those who are new to the topic.

During this professional development session participants will be invited to be active.

The target audience for this event is: FET Staff including teachers, tutors, trainers, co-ordinators, managers.

Facilitation: This event will be hosted by FESS and facilitated by Miriam O’ Donoghue. Miriam is the former National Manager of FESS and Director of the CDETB Curriculum Development Unit and now works as a freelance trainer and facilitator across a broad range of education related areas.

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this session unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP (cpdcancellations@fess.ie) as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows we can offer your booked place to another person.

Please also note that in response to the fact that a number of people are booking a place at PD events and then not logging into those events, FESS has now taken the decision to oversubscribe our online PD events. This means that we will allow more people book a place at an event than there are places for. Those who log in first at the designated time for the live online event will be those who will be accommodated with a place. We hope that by taking this action, we will be able to maximise the number of people who are getting to log in to our PD events.

Event Properties

Event Date 25-11-2020 14:00
Event End Date 25-11-2020 15:00
Cut off date 24-11-2020 17:00
Capacity 130
Registered 0
Available place 130
Individual Price Free
Location Online (Link to event will be e-mailed)

We are no longer accepting registration for this event