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How may a Provider implement RPL for exemptions within a programme?
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- Hits: 5870
The Provider may grant a Learner exemptions from specific requirements of a programme, on the basis of prior learning.
For each programme, the Provider should make available a statement of entry requirements where applicable, and a list of the competences needed to participate on the programme. These should be listed as equipped to participate statements for each programme. Further information on devising equipped to participate statements can be found in FETAC's Information for Learners, Guidelines for Providers.
The Learner should demonstrate to the Provider that they have the capacity to achieve the programme learning outcomes without attending or participating in the programme or part of the programme. Evidence of this capacity may include a CV, references, records of courses attended or samples of work.
The Provider may grant the exemption(s) from attendance and/ or participation in the programme on the basis of information obtained from the Learner through, for example, an application form, an initial interview or meeting, or a completed questionnaire or checklist.
The Provider should enter the Learner for assessment of the module in the normal way. Learners must provide proof that they have achieved the programme learning outcomes, either by:
Option 1: completing the assessment as per programme/ module requirements
Option 2: submitting a portfolio of valid and reliable* evidence of relevant prior learning, for example, CV, references, records of courses attended or samples of work. Providers who choose to offer this option (Option 2) must document and agree their Policy B10: Recognition of Prior Learning with FETAC.
* NOTE: for evidence to be valid, it must match the Learning Outcomes for the programme and must demonstrate the standard required. For evidence to be reliable, the Learner must attest that it is their OWN.
Whether the assessment is to be completed as per programme requirements or through submitting a portfolio of prior learning, the Learner should be provided with a full, written assessment brief, to include marking and grading criteria.
An example of exemption within a programme is where a Learner with prior experience of work which is:
- 18px 7px no-repeat;">recent
- 18px 7px no-repeat;">relevant
- 18px 7px no-repeat;">substantial
- 18px 7px no-repeat;">verifiable
may be granted an exemption from the work placement (Skills Demonstration) element of Level 5 Work Experience [W20008]. The assessment of the module is then implemented through APEAL (Accreditation of Prior Experience, Achievement and Learning) as outlined in the module descriptor.
Implementation must be in accordance with the Provider's Policy B4: Access, Transfer and Progression; Procedure B4.3 Recognition of Prior Learning AND the procedures documented in the optional Policy sub-strand B10: Recognition of Prior Learning, if the Provider has chosen that option and agreed it with FETAC.
Can a provider offer Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for the purpose of accessing an award, independent of a programme?
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- Hits: 5657
Providers who opt to implement this area of RPL, and who have the capacity and resources to facilitate learners to achieve a QQI award through RPL, will have additional agreed quality assured procedures in place to support this activity. Such arrangements will be published by the provider and therefore available to any potential learners.
RPL for an award - this is where a learner may achieve an award on the basis of prior learning.
Providers, offering this service, will facilitate learners in achieving an award on the basis of RPL by assessing learner evidence and submitting learner results for certification to QQI, using standard procedures.
The role of the Provider may include:
- 18px 7px no-repeat;">assisting the learner in identifying the award they wish to apply for
- 18px 7px no-repeat;">determining the learner's eligibility for the named award
- 18px 7px no-repeat;">analysing the learner's knowledge, skill and competence in relation to the standards of knowledge, skill and competence required for the award
- 18px 7px no-repeat;">supporting the learner in identifying and gathering the appropriate evidence
- 18px 7px no-repeat;">assessing the evidence provided by the learner against the assessment criteria for the award
- 18px 7px no-repeat;">quality assuring the assessment process
- 18px 7px no-repeat;">submitting learner results to QQI for certification
The role of the learner is to gather and present the evidence required for assessment according to the guidance given by the provider. Evidence may include CV, references, certificates or testimonials, products or samples, job descriptions and/ or evaluations, evidence of attendance at training courses or workplace assessments. Evidence for assessment may be presented in a portfolio of evidence.
How may a provider implement RPL for credit towards an award?
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- Hits: 7039
This is applicable where the Learner is being entered for a major or special purpose award. Credits cannot be claimed in isolation.
QQI recognises a range of specific prior accredited learning by recognising non-QQI awards.
The provider should inform learners of this process. The learner must provide the original certificate to the provider.
Implementation must be in accordance with the provider's policy on Access, Transfer and Progression and procedures for the Recognition of Prior Learning.
How may a provider implement RPL for entry to a programme?
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- Hits: 5348
The provider may offer a learner a place on a programme on the basis of prior learning. For each programme, the provider should make available a list of the competences needed to participate on the programme. These should be listed as equipped to participate/capacity to succeed statements for each programme.
Where there are entry requirements to a programme, these should be stated in such a way that learners who possess the competences, even if not formally certified, may achieve entry.
Learners must demonstrate to the provider that they have the capacity to participate successfully on the programme. Evidence of this capacity may include a CV, references, records of courses attended or samples of work.
The provider decision to offer a learner a place on a programme is usually made on the basis of information obtained through interview, meeting, questionnaire, application form, checklist or other.
Having gained a place on the programme, the learner will complete the programme and the assessment in the normal way.
Implementation must be in accordance with the provider's policy on Access, Transfer and Progression and procedures for the Recognition of Prior Learning.
What is recognition of prior learning (RPL)?
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- Hits: 5834
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a method of assessment which may allow learners to gain formal recognition (certification) for knowledge, skills and competence that they already have, howsoever acquired.
Under their quality assurance agreement with QQI, policy on Access, Transfer and Progression, all providers will have statements on their RPL arrangements, if any, for entry to a programme, credit towards an award and access to an award.
RPL may require the learner to demonstrate or prove their learning through interview and/ or through compiling a portfolio.
RPL may allow the learner to:
- 18px 7px no-repeat;">gain entry to a programme: a learner may gain a place on a programme, based on the learner's knowledge, skill and competence, gained through relevant life and work experience or through previous certification.
- 18px 7px no-repeat;">gain credit towards an award: a learner may gain a credit towards a major award using previous certification which is recognised by QQI.
- 18px 7px no-repeat;">attain an award: a learner may be awarded a major or minor award on the basis of previously acquired learning for which they do not have a formal certificate.