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How will learner evidence be assessed in programmes leading to QQI certification?
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Learner evidence will be subject to the provider's quality assured assessment process, incorporating the QQI Quality Assuring Assessment Guidelines for Providers (revised 2013). This includes internal verification, external authentication, results approval and appeals processes.
What is programme validation?
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Validation is the process through which QQI determines that the programme developed by the provider is fit for purpose; that it will give the profiled learner the opportunity to meet the standards for the award(s), that it is appropriate to the learner and that it fulfils the award requirements.
Providers may not offer programmes for certification unless the programmes have been validated by QQI.
How is a programme different from an award?
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A programme is developed and delivered by the provider.
An award is determined and made by QQI.
The programme can be described as the journey, while the award is the destination.
Therefore different programmes, from different providers, may all lead to the same award.
Who owns the validated programme?
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When QQI validates a programme for the provider's use, the provider then owns the programme.
A provider may develop their own programme and submit it to QQI for validation. Alternatively a programme may be developed on behalf of a group of providers, or provider types, and this programme may be submitted to QQI for approval for sharing. Subsequently a provider may make an application for validation for this programme. Following validation the provider owns the programme.
A programme cannot be offered to a learner by a provider until it has been validated by QQI for use by that provider.
What is a programme?
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- Hits: 5601
A programme is a learning package developed by the provider. It enables the learner to reach the national standards of knowledge, skill and competence required in order to achieve an award. The programme includes the aims, objectives, delivery modes and methodologies, duration, content and assessment through which the learner will achieve the award.
NB: programmes are developed by a provider in line with their quality assurance policy and procedures on programme development, delivery and review.
A programme for the purposes of QQI certification can not be offered by a provider until it has been validated by QQI.