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Special Requirements
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What are Special Requirements?
Special Requirements may apply to the Provider or to the Learner or to both and are usually based on minimum standards of safety and health. For a number of modules and awards at National Framework of Qualifications Levels 3, 4, 5 and 6, specific conditions need to be in place before candidates can be presented for assessment. These conditions are termed "Special Requirements".
Where do I find out about the Special Requirements?
- For Awards within the Common Awards System (Level 1 and Level 2):
- Programme Validation Details which are available from your Provider
- For FETAC(NCVA) Awards & Modules (Levels 3 - 6):
Module Descriptor:
- Section 7 (Special Requirements)
- Section 10 (Specific Learning Outcomes)
- Section 11 (Assessment)
They may also be stated in the award structure:
- Level 3
- Level 4
- Level 5
- Level 6
What should I do if there are Special Requirements in the Award/Module Descriptor I am planning to deliver?
- Ensure that the requirements are in place before commencing development or delivery of each programme
- Where approval is required from either a National Governing Body of a sport or from Fáilte Ireland, this approval MUST be in writing on the relevant form (on the inside back pages of the module descriptor)
- This form should be kept on file in the Centre for external authentication, self evaluation, external evaluation and monitoring purposes, in accordance with the Provider's agreed quality assurance policy and procedures