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Quality Assuring Assessment
- Details
- Written by: Siobhan Magee
- Hits: 31870
A provider's Quality Assurance Assessment Process (QQI Guidelines) will include the following five key stages:
- a fair and consistent assessment process
- an authentication process including internal verification and external authentication
- a results approval process
- an appeals process
- a process for requesting certification from QQI
The following resources may be useful to a Provider putting a quality assuring assessment process in place:
FESS Quality Assuring Assessment Toolkit (revised December 2014)
Internal Verification
- The Provider: Planning for the Process of Internal Verification
- The Provider: Checklist for the Internal Verification Process
- The Internal Verifier: Support in carrying out the role of Internal Verifier
- The Internal Verifier: Checklist for the Internal Verification Process
- FESS FAQs on the Internal Verification Process
External Authentication
- The Provider: An Overview of External Authentication
- The External Authenticator: Checklist for the External Authentication Process
- FESS FAQs on the External Authentication Process
Results Approval
Learner Appeals