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assessment imageFESS has developed this new resource to support new assessors to navigate their way through assessment for the first time. The resource focuses on the assessment of learners who are following further education and training programmes or FET programmes that lead to QQI certification at NFQ levels 1 to 6. The specific focus of the resource is on summative assessment in a locally devised assessment process which means that the detail in the resource is targeted towards assessors who are tasked with devising their own assessment briefs, examination papers and related documentation so that they can assess learners for certification purposes.

The resource is divided into five modules. Each module is divided into a number of units, and each unit is divided into sections. The five modules are:

  • Quality Assuring Assessment
  • Understanding the Standard
  • Devising Assessment
  • Marking Learner Assessment Evidence
  • Considerations for an Assessor

To access the course, click here

A tutorial document to help you create your account, enrol on the course, complete the course and download your digital certificate can be downloaded here 

A short video tutorial to guide you through the process of creating an account and enrolling yourself in the course can be accessed here, it is slightly over 5 minutes long

We hope you find the resource useful.