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March 2015 QQI announce new arrangements for claiming an exemption from January 2016

Claiming an exemption is a procedure carried out at provider level when entering a learner for certification.

An exemption can only be claimed for a learner:

  • who holds an existing component which is referenced to one of the common award system (CAS) components
  • who is applying for a major award or special purpose award

For information on the arrangements QQI has in place up to December 2015 for claiming an exemption and for those in place from January 2016 please click here.


QQI and SOLAS consultations

QQI and Solas open consultation for new Occupational/Practitioner Award-type Descriptors

QQI and Solas open consultation on standards for five Advanced Certificate craft awards 



FESS tools to support the equality proofing of programme delivery and assessment in Further Education – A Supplement to the FESS Equality Action Planning Framework  

In 2013 FESS was funded by the Equality Authority through the Equality Mainstreaming Unit to further develop the FESS Equality Action Planning Framework, and provide additional resources for providers in the area of programme delivery and assessment.

This resource comprises;

“Funded by the Equality Mainstreaming Unit which is jointly funded by 
the European Social Fund 2007-2013 and by the Equality Authority”

NUI Maynooth Summer Writing Institute

The National University of Ireland, Maynooth, will host a week long writing institute on campus in July 2014. The institute will be facilitated by, amongst others, staff of NUI Maynooth Writing Centre and invited colleagues from the Bay Area Writing Project, University of California, Berkeley. The institute will be free to participants but places will be strictly limited and allocated across the education levels. If you would like to read more about this initiative please click here. If you would like an application form please click here


QQI Updates (5 March 2013):

QQI recently delivered a Providers briefing presentation on the Common Awards System and Validation

Also the Managing the Transition to CAS – Information Notes February 2013 (Levels 3 and 4) and May 2013 (Levels 5 and 6) are published


QQI Updates (5 March 2013):

QQI recently delivered a Providers briefing presentation on the Common Awards System and Validation

Also the Managing the Transition to CAS – Information Notes February 2013 (Levels 3 and 4) and May 2013 (Levels 5 and 6) are published

FESS Quality Assuring Assessment Toolkit

FESS has developed a toolkit to support Providers in implementing Quality Assurance Policy B6 Fair and Consistent Assessment of Learners. This toolkit includes sample documentation / checklists / templates to assist Providers in meeting their Quality Assurance requirements in relation to assessment. The focus is on Internal Verification, External Authentication, Results Approval and Appeals. This document can be adapted for use to meet specific Quality Assurance requirements within all Provider contexts.

IVEA / CEEOA Shared Programme Development Process for the DES Sector

FETAC LogoIn order to facilitate the implementation of the FETAC Common Awards System at Levels 4, 5 and 6 the IVEA/CEEOA is co-ordinating a national shared programme development process.  Programmes are being developed by the VECs for sharing across the DES sector.   This process is being supported by FESS.

Currently at Levels 4, 5 and 6 a significant number of programmes are being developed for sharing.  A complete listing of the programmes that are being developed for sharing, and their current status, can be found here


  • A national consultation process on each of the programmes for sharing has started.  This consultation is co-ordinated by FESS.  It is envisaged that the programmes will be approved for sharing and made available to the DES sector prior to Summer 2012. Then, before delivering the relevant programmes, each provider must have them validated by FETAC for delivery within their own specific context.(7 December 2011)




Resources to support Quality Assurance

FESS has just published a set of three resources to support Providers with the implementation of their Quality Assurance agreements with FETAC. The resources cover the areas of Equality, Self Evaluation and Communications. Copies of each resource will be posted out to DES centres during the summer months. DES centres that need extra copies can contact their local support officer(5 July 2011).

Programme Development at Level 3

 Representatives from Voluntary Secondary Schools involved in delivering Level 3 programmes will attend a seminar on 'Programme Development at Level 3' on 16 May in Mallow, Co Cork. This seminar is being organised by the JMB and will be facilitated by the Further Education Support Service (FESS). All enquiries about attendance should go directly to the JMB (Monday, 9 May 2011).

Programme Development at Level 3

Representatives from BTEI Centres from outside the VEC sector attended a seminar last Thursday 5 May on ‘Programme Development at Level 3’. The seminar, organised by the Further Education Development Unit was facilitated by the Further Education Support Service (FESS) (Monday, 9 May 2011).



Programme Development at Level 3

Representatives from Special National Schools attended a seminar on 8 March on ‘Programme Development at Level 3’. This seminar, organised by the Principals Association for Special National Schools was facilitated by the Further Education Support Service (FESS) (Monday, 9 May 2011).


Programmes for sharing

Two programmes developed by FESS have been approved for sharing with DES-funded providers.  The programmes approved for sharing are: ‘Learning for Everyday Living’ leading to Level 3 FETAC Certificate in General Learning 3M0874 and ‘Using Information and Communication Technologies in Everyday Life’ leading to Level 3 FETAC Certificate in Information and Communication Technologies 3M0877. DES Providers who wish to offer these programmes should contact QQI. 

Programme Evaluator Training

The Further Education Support Service (FESS) is in the process of providing Programme Evaluator Training to VECs that have a Programme Approval Agreement (PAA) in place with FETAC (Friday, 6 May 2011).


Due to recent changes with FETAC procedures and the introduction and publication of the Common Awards System some information on this website will need to be modified. This process has started, please bear with us as we make the necessary changes (Friday, 6 May 2011). 

Level 4, Level 5 and Level 6 Common Awards published

FETAC has published new Level 4, Level 5 and Level 6 Common Awards. Programmes leading to these awards must be validated by FETAC before they can be offered to Learners. This means that the specifications CANNOT be downloaded and taught immediately. The Provider MUST develop a programme and have it validated by FETAC prior to it being offered to the Learners.

Level 3 Common Awards

FETAC has published a number of new Level 3 Common Awards in the area of Craft. These are awailable on www.qqi.ie  Programmes leading to these new Craft Minor Awards must be validated by FETAC before they can be offered to Learners.

Level 3 Common Awards

FETAC has published the new Level 3 Common Awards. Programmes leading to these awards must be validated by FETAC before they can be offered to Learners. This means that the specifications CANNOT be downloaded and taught immediately. The Provider MUST develop a programme and have it validated by FETAC prior to it being offered to the Learners

Progression routes


FETAC's information leaflet on progression routes from FETAC Level 5 Certificates and Level 6 Advanced Certificates to Higher Education Courses 2011 has been published. FETAC will send copies of the publication to FETAC PLC/ Further Education Centres and Guidance Counsellors.

Discussion Forum

www.fess.ie now includes a discussion forum where users of the site can share information, ideas, resources and pose questions.


Key dates

Key FETAC Assessment Dates