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Uncertainty and Upheaval - Strategies for coping better during periods of anxiety in our lives (February, Online)
Anxiety is an important and necessary emotion. We need to feel the ‘pinch’ of pressure in order to prepare for challenges. Deadlines need to be looming in order to help us focus and achieve our goals. Anxiety is our body’s natural mechanism for ensuring that we are prepared for the everyday challenges of life.
With the advent of COVID-19 everything has changed. We find ourselves in a place where we were never before. We are doing different things and doing things differently. We humans like to plan but we find ourselves uneasy and apprehensive about the future. It’s very unsettling.
Anxiety is the prevalent emotion of this time. Excessive anxiety can hinder our preparations and impact on performance. It is vital that we do not become engulfed by it. Learning how to rise to new challenges ensures that we stay motivated and in control. An awareness of coping strategies for times of upheaval and uncertainty would be useful and empowering.
This PD session will offer tips for coping better with anxiety and scientifically validated strategies for growing stronger during challenging times.
The target audience for this event is: FET Staff including teachers, tutors, trainers, co-ordinators, managers.
Facilitation: This event will be hosted by FESS and facilitated by Shane Martin. Shane is a Chartered Psychologist of the Psychological Society of Ireland and is dedicated to teaching the very best self-help psychology to empower people to enhance the quality of their lives. His ‘Moodwatchers’ psychology course has been delivered the length and breadth of Ireland. He is the author of ‘Your Precious Life -How to Live it Well’.
Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this session unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP ( as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows we can offer your booked place to another person.
Event Properties
Event Date | 03-02-2021 10:00 |
Event End Date | 03-02-2021 12:00 |
Cut off date | 02-02-2021 15:00 |
Capacity | 130 |
Registered | 0 |
Available place | 130 |
Individual Price | Free |
Location | Online (Link to event will be e-mailed) |