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With the imminent publication of the new ten-year Adult Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy Strategy, FESS is delighted to partner with CDETB in sharing An Approach to Building Literacy Awareness across FET Provision.  

This is a two-part introduction and will take place over Zoom. Participants will be introduced to the content and materials of a 6 session Literacy Awareness for FET programme developed by the CDETB Adult Education Service. We will explore the ethos and rationale of the development of this programme and introduce the content, materials and delivery notes. We will also examine effective methodologies for online facilitation that best embed reflective practice and shared learning.  

Target Audience: This two-part introduction is for key Adult Literacy practitioners, nominated by ETBs, to support their FET staff in becoming literacy-aware across all types of provision

Facilitation: CDETB Adult Education Service & FESS 

Time Commitment: Two 2-hour sessions

Dates for delivery:  Thursday 10th June from 2pm - 4pm AND Thursday 17th June from 2pm - 4pm 







       Thursday 10 June 2021       


       14.00 - 16.00       


       Lnk to the event will be emailed in advance - the same link will be used on both days.        
Please keep an eye on your Junk/Spam folder in case
the e-mail with the link to the online event ends up there.