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Artificial Intelligence (AI) Clinic (14 December 2023)

As a follow-up to the recent PD event Artificial Intelligence (AI), What is it and what are the opportunities and challenges for FET? we are offering an AI Clinic. This Clinic will be facilitated by FESS and John Heffernan (MSLETB) and Susan Dunne (TETB) who delivered the PD session on AI will be available to answer your queries. Both Susan and John have extensive knowledge  of AI and the use of AI apps that might be useful in teaching, learning and assessment in FET.

This session is participant led and therefore in order to get maximum value from the session, please come with questions/queries.   

Event Properties

Event Date 14-12-2023 16:00
Event End Date 14-12-2023 17:00
Cut off date 14-12-2023 16:00
Capacity 100
Registered 13
Available place 87
Individual Price Free
Location Online (Link to event will be e-mailed)

We are no longer accepting registration for this event